Vietnam continues to rank in the top ten for receiving the highest amount of remittance payments.
The Growing Role of International Remittances in the Vietnamese Economy: Evidence from the Vietnam (Household) Living Standard Surveys
Our findings include that overseas remittances come from throughout the world, but are dominated by the United States as a main source. Also, over time, the destinations of foreign remittances are becoming more diverse as they move away from Ho Chi Minh city and other urban areas, in particular, to other regions and to rural areas.
This information is provided to you by IDEAS at the Economic Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis using RePEc data.
Kiêù hôí xóa đói giảm nghèo cho VN
Financial Remittance Brought Vietnam Out of Underdeveloped Status
The most recent estimates for 2010 indicate that Vietnam is no longer among the underdeveloped countries of the world and has moved onto the ranks of middle-income countries. Financial remittances – better known as money being sent back to the home country – have lent a critical hand in accomplishing this major triumph in the country’s formerly depressed economy.
The influx of money by overseas Vietnamese, many of whom fled as political refugees, has dramatically changed the economic landscape of the country in terms of poverty levels and development.
Transalation :
Financial remittances – better known as money being sent back to the home country – have lent a critical hand in accomplishing this major triumph in the country’s formerly depressed economy.
The influx of money by overseas Vietnamese, many of whom fled as political refugees, has dramatically changed the economic landscape of the country in terms of poverty levels and development.
= Kiều hối, tốt hơn được gọi là tiền được gửi về nước - đă cho mượn một bàn tay quan trọng trong việc hoàn thành thắng lợi lớn trong nước của nền kinh tế trước đây là kém cỏi .
Ḍng tiền từ những người Việt Nam định cư ở nước ngoài, nhiều người trong số họ là người tị nạn chính trị, đă thay đổi đáng kể cảnh quan kinh tế của đất nước nghèo và thay đổi sự phát triển.
Kiêù hôí cân bằng cán cân ngoại hôí và bù đắp vào thâm hụt ngân sách của CHXHCNVN
Vietnamese economy is afloat with injection of annual $8.5 billion from overseas remittances
Posted on November 7, 2011
The overseas remittances represent about 24% of Vietnam State’s budget. The Ministry of Finance estimates that this year Vietnam’s budget deficit could reach VND130.6 trillion ($6.3 billion).State budget revenues are expected to be around VND595 trillion ($28.7 billion), while expenditures are projected at VND725.6 trillion ($35 billion) this year
Our findings include that overseas remittances come from throughout the world, but are dominated by
the United States as a main source. Also, over time, the destinations of foreign remittances are becoming more diverse as they move away from Ho Chi Minh city and other urban areas, in particular, to other regions and to rural areas.
Theo thống kê của Ngân hàng Nhà nước Việt Nam chi nhánh TP.HCM th́
kiều hối gửi về Sài G̣n đạt mức 5 tỉ USD trên tổng số 9 tỉ USD toàn quốc
Lượng kiều hối tại TP.HCM thường chiếm hơn 50% lượng kiều hối của cả nước.