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Thread: Bộ đội cụ Hồ bị xích chân vô súng máy (Viet Cong chained to machine guns)

  1. #181
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    Bài báo cuả kư giả William F. Buckley Jr y như trên cũng được đăng trong một báo khác tên The News and Courier vào ngày Apr 20, 1972 dưới tựa đề " The pressure on Nixon" trong link :,3687931

  2. #182
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    Cũng một bài viết y hệt, kư giả William F. Buckley Jr cũng đă cho đăng trên báo Lawrence Journal-World vào ngày Apr 20, 1972 trong trang 3 of 22 với tựa đề : Vesuvius Can Dry Up But Not the Critics. Link :,7352642

  3. #183
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    The crisps of North Vietnamese drivers chained to their burned trucks

    Bài viết: Unholy Scripture « Log24


    Sunday, January 31, 2010
    Unholy Scripture
    Filed under: Uncategorized — m759 @ 6:06 PM

    From The New York Times –

    Trích đoạn:

    C. “I will show you, he thought, the war for us to die in, lady. Sully your kind suffering child’s eyes with it. Live burials beside slow rivers. A pile of ears for a pile of arms. The crisps of North Vietnamese drivers chained to their burned trucks…. Why, he wondered, is she smiling at me?”

    — Robert Stone, A Flag for Sunrise, Knopf hardcover, 1981, page 299

  4. #184
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    Dead PAVN soldiers, either chained or hanging from trees .

    Bây giờ th́ mời các bạn đọc một góp ư trong một forum của You tube về pháo binh trong chiến tranh VN. Trong đó một thành viên có đề cập sau trận đồi " Hamburger" , các binh sĩ Hoa Kỳ bị sốc khi chứng kiến 8 thi hài binh sĩ cộng sản Bắc Việt (PAVN = People Army of Vietnam = quân đội Nhân Dân VN) bị xích hoặc bị treo trên cây .


    Forum:The Secret History of Artillery in the Vietnam War, Part 1 of 3

    Trích đoạn:

    Apparently also have you heard in the Battle for Hill 937 aka Hamburger Hill - at the end of the battle American soldiers were shocked to find 8 dead PAVN soldiers, either chained or hanging from trees; every one of the 8 PAVN soldiers were wearing collar patches with the words 'Kill Americans' printed on them :( ...

    HeirofGojira91 in reply to BlacktailDefense 2 months ago

  5. #185
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    The drivers had been chained to their positions.

    Bây giờ th́ mời qúy vị nghe một cựu binh Hoa Kỳ kể lại chuyện tài xế xe tăng Bắc Việt bị xích vào vị trí trong trận chiến phía bắc tây bắc Sài g̣n 1972 (= mặt trận An Lộc ?)

    Forum:The Patriot Files Forums > Conflict posts > Vietnam
    Thread: The Face of My Enemy


    Page 2

    Trích Đoạn:

    02-12-2004, 06:21 PM

    Join Date:Dec 1969
    Senior MemberLocation:Out in the country, near Dripping Spring TX

    Sir Blue
    Because we wanted to bury it, to push it so far back under the rug that it could never be resurrected again, that's cause of your repeated question marks. Now for the details:

    They were Russian made T-54's and T-55's, along with PT-76's, a lightly armored troop carrier, armed a 73mm smooth bore anti-armor weapon. In an earlier use of Soviet armor, in a battle north-north-west of Saigon in 1972, the drivers had been chained to their positions. In the 1975 invasion, the tank commanders in many vehicles were Soviet armor officers. Farmers, my happy ass - just more "poor agrarian reformers" looking for work in other people's acreage - umhummm --

  6. #186
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    The bodies of three North Vietnamese chained to machine gun .

    Bây giờ th́ mời qúy vị coi bài tường thuật của Đại Úy George W. Smith trên nhật báo Red Bank, N.J vào năm 1968. cố vấn của sư đoàn 1 B.B VNCH, cho biết được báo cáo có ba xác VC bị xích chân vào súng máy vào phía tây thành nội( Huế). Rất có thể là giữ cho ( cả khẩu đội) khỏi bỏ trốn.
    Cả khẩu đội súng máy gồm 3 tên Vc bị xích chung và bị chết chùm với nhau.


    Nhật báo:The Daily REGISTER
    Thành phố:RED BANK, N. J.,
    Ngày xuất bản:MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1968
    Page One
    Tên bài viết :Marines in Citadel Push

    Trích đoạn tại cột 6 của bài viết:
    Capt. George W. Smith, 27, of
    Meriden, Conn., an adviser to
    the 1st South Vietnamese Division,
    reported his men found the
    bodies of three North Vietnamese
    chained to machine guns
    the west wall of the Citadel, presumably
    to keep them from fleeing

  7. #187
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    Enemy soldiers who were actually chained to their machine guns

    Bài viết:Delta Force: The Army's Elite Counterterrorist Unit
    By Charlie A. Beckwith, Donald Knox


    Page 77
    Trích đoạn:
    The ground was pitted by bomb craters and blacken as far as I could see by napalm. They were also a lot of dead out there. In one case I noticed two enemy soldiers who were actually chained to their machine guns. It was later estimated there were 800 or 900 dead Vietnamese regulars in front of camp.

  8. #188
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    Many of the Viet Cong machine gunners were chained to their guns .

    Nhật báo: The Republican Courier
    Findlay, Ohio,Saturday, October 23,1965
    Page 1
    Bài viết : Vietnam fighting plazes
    ( cột thứ 8 đếm từ trái sang phải)
    (Click Full size và Manifying glass- kính lúp -để đọc )
    (=Hàng thứ 71&72 trong trang 1 ghi lại ở phía dưới)


    Trích đoạn:

    Viet Cong poured mortar sheils and machine-gun fire into the post for the fourth straight U.S. adviser reported Saturday that many of the Viet Cong machine gunners were chained to their guns .He also said documents found on enemy bodies indicated Red Chinese advisers were with the guerrilla assault war planes continued pounding the who gave no indication of At least 100 Viet Cong dead have been camp's ordinary garrison of 300 montagnard and 10 or 12 U.S. Special Forces men was reinforced again when a detachment of Viet Rangers was flown the air U.S. Air Force bombers raided targets that appeared to be within seven miles of observers

  9. #189
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    Bodies of North Vietnamese soldiers chained to trees

    Xem bài viết này để thấy hiện tượng cán binh CS bị xích vào cây xảy ra rất thường tại trại bu Prang Đức Lập trên Cao Nguyên Trung Phần.


    Nhật Báo : The Blade
    Page 2

    Bài viết: Saigon Army Claims 273 Foe Killed In Battles

    Trích đoạn:
    Bodies chained

    Gorvernment forces sweeping the battlefield at Bu Prang reported finding some bodies of North Vietnamese soldiers chained to trees and to each other to keep them from retreating under the onslaught of American firepower. There have been similar report in the past.

  10. #190
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    Some had been chained to their automatic weapons

    The Text Content on Page 1 of Winona Daily News , October 25, 1965


    Trích đoạn:
    SAIGON South Viet Nam Vietnamese regiment led by armor reached the beleaguered outpost of Me Monday night without any significant Viet Cong opposition a U.S spokesman announced He said he relief column was stationed just outside the Special Forces compound because there was no room inside. The spokesman said the based on incomplete reports that Viet Cong apparently offeree no deposition from its frozen more machine gun ments around the camp If the operation follows pas patterns the government forces will immediately launch operations to clear the countryside of Viet Cong The defenders already were sending out under Viet Cong mortar and machine gun fire. A U.S officer who ont on patrol from Me said he counted 100 Viet Cong bodies He said some had been chained to their automatic weapons A relief column consisting of a government regiment with a of armor -had ad to within about fỏui miles of the camp by after beating off an ambush am killing an estimated 250 las at Ya Dran a village on the way Government casualties were reported light One informed U.S source in Pleiku said appeared be over though Viet Cong their positions around the camp A U.S helicopter braved the ring of enemy machine guns around the post to bring out a wounded American and four wounded Vietnamese U.S spokesmen said casualties continued light among the garrison of 300 Montagnard tribes men and 10 to 12 U.S advisers

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