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Thread: Bộ đội cụ Hồ bị xích chân vô súng máy (Viet Cong chained to machine guns)

  1. #61
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    HVB, CAM đang loay hoay gỡ xích, chưa thấy phản pháo lại.

  2. #62
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    The VC had to resort to chaining their machine gunners to the tripods of their weapons.

    Xem hồi ký của sĩ quan thuộc Lữ Đoàn 173d Nhảy Dù Hoa Kỳ thì trong chiến tranh Việt Nam ,chuyện các cán binh cộng sản bị xích vào chân ba càng của các súng máy là chuyện thường hay xảy ra (Resort)

    Bài viết:173d Vietnam Operations

    Trích Đoạn:

    The seventh day of Operation Silver City will long be remembered by the troopers of the 173D, for on this day the 2/503rd Infantry Task Force was attacked from all directions by the 501st VC Battalion. The troopers held their perimeter while inflicting heavy losses on the guerrillas. Resupply of needy ammunition was effected during the battle by helicopter at no small risk to equipment and crews. Numerous tactical air strikes were initiated with great effectiveness. The VC had to resort to chaining their machine gunners to the tripods of their weapons, but even these measures could not stop the crack troopers of the 173D.

  3. #63
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    The NVA had chaining their gunners to the guns so that they couldn't run

    Bài viết: A Vietnam helicopter pilot's war story

    By: Chuck Gross


    Trích đoạn:

    Later on, when the ground units came upon some of the positions that had been blown away, they discovered that the NVA had chaining their gunners to the guns so that they couldn't run, forcing them stay and fire .Incredible !

    (Ghi chú: NVA = North Vietnamese Army : Quân Bắc Việt)

  4. #64
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    The NVA gunners were chained to their machine guns.


    By : American Military University (AMU)

    Trích đoạn:

    The wall was 5 meters wide and the air units would provide the main firepower to destroy it and the bunkers situated on each corner. The NVA gunners were chained to their machine guns. The 147th Brigade, the Sea Eagles (8th Marine Battalion) and the Sea Wolves were to attack the east wall. The 258th Marine Brigade, the Crazy Buffaloes and the Divine Hawks would attack the west wall.

    (Ghi Chú : NVA = North Vietnam Army :Quân Bắc Việt)

  5. #65
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    NVA tank crews were found chained inside their burned-out tanks.


    Trích đoạn:

    On one rather humorous occasion, one Blue Max pilot rolled his Cobra in on an NVA tank and fired a perfect pair of the new rockets toward one of the armored beasts and it appeared that he would indeed score another kill. The spread between the rockets was just enough to put one on either side of the lumbering giant and they exploded only feet away, but caused very little actual damage, certainly not fatal. Suddenly though the tank stopped, the hatches came up and the crew all exited, running quickly away before another set of rockets arrived. Unfortunately for them, they instantly became excellent targets for every machine gunner around and they were quickly cut down in their tracks. The abandoned T-54 tank was captured by the ARVN completely intact with the engine still idling. After that incident, some NVA tank crews were found chained inside their burned-out tanks. The enemy commanders had solved the problem of their tank crews making early, unauthorized exits.

  6. #66
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    North Vietnamese army (NVA) tankers were found chained inside their T-54s

    Bài viết:Diem's Final Failure: Prelude to America's War in Vietnam - Book Revie
    By Stuart A. Herrington

    Trích đoạn:
    One is reminded of Hanoi's 1972 Easter Offensive, after fallen North Vietnamese army (NVA) tankers were found chained inside their T-54s. Many Americans quickly crowed that Hanoi was in deep trouble if NVA commanders had to resort to chains to get their tank crews to fight. (Reality was that high-spirited NVA tankers chained themselves to their tanks to show their determination to fight to the death.)

    .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ........
    COPYRIGHT 2003 U.S. Army War College
    COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group

  7. #67
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    The Communist crewmen had been chained into their seat

    Bài viết:Kontum: The Battle to Save South Vietnam

    By Thomas P McKenna

    Page 184

    Trích đoạn:

    When the advisers and ARVN soldiers had inspected some of the tanks knocked out at An Loc, they had discovered that the Communist crewmen had been chained into their seat.

  8. #68
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    Những người lính tại Việt Nam ngày nay không phải là những người xích chân vào ṇng đại pháo như trước 1975

    Bài Viết:Lính Việt Nam sẽ theo gương Ai Cập hay Trung Quốc?

    By:Duy Ái - Voa tiếng Việt

    Trích Đoạn:

    Trần Trung Đạo: Tôi không nghĩ giới lănh đạo Đảng Cộng Sản Việt Nam dám ra lịnh cho quân đội tàn sát nhân dân như Đặng Tiểu B́nh đă làm và dù có được lịnh, quân đội cũng sẽ không tuân theo chỉ thị của lănh đạo đảng.

    Các lănh đạo đảng không dám v́ họ biết trời đất rộng bao la nhưng khó t́m đâu ra một chỗ dung thân. Không giống như số phận Amin Dada của Uganda, Siad Barre của Somalia sau khi bị lật đổ đă được các độc tài khác bao che cho đến cuối đời, trong thời đại toàn cầu hóa, bang giao quốc tế được mở rộng và các công pháp quốc tế đă được tôn trọng, số phận các nhà độc tài cũng khác. Sự kiện Charles Taylor của Liberia đang bị giam giữ tại The Hague và al-Bashir của Sudan vừa bị ṭa án quốc tế truy tố dù đang là tổng thống là những bài học sống mà họ phải thuộc.

    Về phía quân đội, những người lính tại Việt Nam ngày nay không phải là những người xích chân vào ṇng đại pháo như trước 1975 nhưng đă có ư thức dân tộc, đă quá đắng cay khi nghe đi nghe lại khẩu hiệu rỗng “độc lập, tự do, hạnh phúc”, và đă hiểu những xương máu mà các thế hệ đàn anh đổ xuống ở miền Nam chỉ làm giàu cho một thiểu số lănh đạo đêm nệm ấm chăn êm trong các biệt thự nguy nga, ngày sống dư thừa trong các nhà hàng sang trọng. Phục vụ trong guồng máy, người lính phải quay theo guồng máy nhưng nếu có cơ hội đứng về phía dân tộc họ sẽ đứng về phía dân tộc. Cách mạng dân chủ tại Việt Nam nay mai chẳng những sẽ không có tiếng súng, không có giết chóc, không có cốt nhục tương tàn mà c̣n diễn ra rất nhanh chóng, bởi v́ đại đa số người Việt đang bùng cháy trong ḷng một ao ước giống nhau là mong được thấy quê hương hồi sinh và thăng tiến.

  9. #69
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    The tank crew had been chained into the tank so that they were unable to escape the tank

    Bài viết :F-4 Phantom 333- LMUwiki

    Trích đoạn:

    The wing commander, Col Burt Spalding, was there to meet me. He shook my hand and told me that I had done a great job and that the tank had been destroyed. He said "you are going to strike a surface-to air-missile site in North Vietnam. Your backseater is in the new airplane and will brief you on the new mission, and your old backseater will debrief this mission". I got into his car and he drove me to my new airplane where the new backseater was already strapped in and waiting for me. We had only a few minutes for him to tell me where the new target was and what tactics we would use. We started engines and I was off again on another mission. We struck the SAM site and returned to Da Nang two hours later.

    After debriefing the mission with aircraft maintenance and then intelligence I returned to the squadron about three hours after I had landed from my first mission. The first words out of my mouth were "Where is my wingman from my first mission"? I was surprised at the answer. He is no longer at Da Nang. His reason for leaving you, as you worked the tank, was felt to be a poor one, and he is no longer on flying status and will complete the rest of his one year tour at a desk job in Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City). I never crossed paths with him again.

    I found out several days later that the tank crew had been chained into the tank so that they were unable to escape the tank as we attacked them.

    My adventure in "333" is one that I will never forget. That airplane took so much damage and just refused to die. As badly as it was damaged it just kept on going. When it should have blown up or gone out of control it continued to perform its job magnificently. I LOVE THAT AIRPLANE!

  10. #70
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    NVA soldier chained to a tree with a machine gun

    Bài viết:F/58th LRP: The Truth

    Chapter 9: Present-Day War
    Written by Kit Jarrell and Heidi Thiess

    Trích đoạn:
    Hall mentions seeing the body of an NVA soldier chained to a tree with a machine gun. According to Hall, the enemy soldier was put there as punishment by his unit where he would be raked with fire by American forces passing through and eventually killed.

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