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Thread: Mời Tham dự Ngày Thánh Mẫu 2013

  1. #11
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    Mẹ Ơi Đoái Thương Quê Hương Việt Nam

    Mẹ Ơi Đoái Thương Quê Hương Việt Nam .


    * Đại Hội Thánh Mẫu năm nay : Lá cờ Vàng 3 Sọc Đỏ thân yêu , được hàng trăm bong bóng thả tung bay trên bầu trời cao Tuyệt đẹp trong ngày Khai mạc .
    Mẹ Việt Nam ơi ! Chúng con vẫn c̣n đây ! Một ḷng hướng về Tổ quốc thân yêu , 38 năm qua chỉ nung thêm ḷng kiên cường và dũng cảm .

    38 năm là một là chặng đường quá đủ :Để dân tộc Việt Nam Quang phục , thiết lập Chế độ Cộng hoà cho Tổ quốc Đất Mẹ yêu dấu : Tự Do- Dân Chủ -Công Lư và Sự Thật

    Từ giờ phút này : Đạo Binh Đức Mẹ sẽ Lănh Ấn Tiên Phong , Đạo Binh Phật Tử La Hầu La sẽ Lănh Ấn Trung Quân, không ngừng phát triển xây dựng Lực lượng từ Quốc nội ra Hải ngoại .

    3 Sư đoàn bộ binh , Lữ đoàn Thiết Giáp sẽ là Hậu Quân .

    Mới đủ sức đập tan 60 Sư đoàn Công An ác ôn ( trên 600 ngàn Công An ) , bắt qui hàng nếu không sẽ bị huỷ diệt để thiết lập chế độ Cộng hoà cho Tổ quốc Đất Mẹ Yêu Dấu .

    Huynh trưởng cấp Tập -Cựu Liên đoàn trưởng Gia đ́nh Phật tử Việt Nam - Tư lệnh Đạo Binh Phật tử La Hầu La

    Nguyễn Hùng Kiệt

    * La Hầu La (Rāhula) là Con của Đức Phật Tổ ,Ông cũng là người con duy nhất của Phật tổ Tất-đạt-đa -Đức Phật Thích Ca. Mẹ là hoàng hậu Da-du-đa-la (si: yaśodharā). Thái tử La Hầu La cũng là Phật Bồ tát , từ giả ngôi vị Hoàng đế để xuất gia .
    Last edited by Nguyen Hung Kiet; 12-08-2013 at 05:45 AM.

  2. #12
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    Đạo Binh Đức Mẹ

    Đạo Binh Đức Mẹ

    Vẫn đây các con của Mẹ:

    Last edited by Nguyen Hung Kiet; 12-08-2013 at 11:08 AM.

  3. #13
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    Đạo Binh Phật tử La Hầu La

    Thề Không phản bội Quê hương :

    Một cánh tay đưa lên.
    Hàng ngàn cánh tay đưa lên.
    Hàng vạn cánh tay đưa lên.
    Quyết đấu tranh cho một nền ḥa b́nh công chính.
    Đập phá tan mưu toan,đầu hàng cái quân xâm lăng.
    Ḥa b́nh phải trong vinh quang.
    Đền công lao bao máu xương hùng anh.
    Nào đứng lên bên nhau.
    Nào cùng sát vai bên nhau.
    Thề nguyền với vung tay cao.
    Quyết đấu tranh đến khi nào đạt thành mong ước.
    Vận nước trong tay ta.
    Là quyền của quân dân ta.
    T́nh đoàn kết quê hương ta.
    Chận âm mưu chia cắt thêm sơn hà.................. .

    Thúc Quân Vùng Lên :

    Last edited by Nguyen Hung Kiet; 13-08-2013 at 12:26 PM.

  4. #14
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    Từ giờ phút này trở đi , Tôi không muốn bất kỳ ai trên Diễn đàn Vietland nói xấu Công Giáo và Phật Giáo : 2 Tôn giáo lớn Việt Nam hiện tại đang tiến đến Đoàn Kết -Đại Đoàn Kết trong trận chiến khai tử Chế độ Cộng Sản để thiết lập Chế độ Cộng Hoà cho Tổ Quốc Đất Mẹ Yêu Dấu .

    Tất cả những kẻ đội lốt Tôn Giáo để bảo vệ CHXHCNVN phải bị trừng trị , dù đó là Hồng Y , Hoà Thượng hay Thiếu uư TQLC Nguyễn Ngọc Lập , Sĩ quan Biệt Động Quân Nguyễn Phương Hùng bè lũ phản phúc làm Ô danh QLVNCH , phải bị đền tội ,nếu không sám hối.

    Trân trọng

    Nguyễn Hùng Kiệt

    * Nhắn thành viên Eezekiel‎ và Nguỵ Tặc ngưng ngay loạt bài Tấn công Phật Giáo và Công giáo cho Tôi .

    Hồng Y Phạm Minh Mẫn hiện tại có lẽ đang sám hối , bắt đầu lên án Chế độ Cộng Sản , nhưng Chúng tôi vẫn c̣n nghi ngờ !!!

    "Đức Hồng Y Phạm Minh Mẫn, 79 tuổi, cho biết, nhà cầm quyền tuyên bố về chính sách tôn giáo của đảng và nhà nước CSVN nhằm bảo đảm an ninh trật tự, nhưng “họ cai trị đất nước bằng bản năng tự vệ và chỉ nghĩ đến quyền lợi của ḿnh thay v́ bằng con tim, ḷng trí, ḷng nhân, ḷng đạo của con người”. Điều này cho thấy đảng CSVN chủ trương vô tôn giáo trước sau như một, mặc dù gần đây họ nói rằng đảng cởi mở và thay đổi chính sách tôn giáo.
    Ngài nêu ví dụ việc tổ chức Đại hội Khoáng đại lần thứ 10 của Liên Hội đồng Giám mục Á châu tại Việt Nam hồi tháng 12 năm ngoái. Nhiều viên chức tới chúc mừng ngài đă tổ chức tốt đẹp đại hội. Ngài nói với họ rằng việc chính quyền yêu cầu gởi danh sách các tham dự viên cùng thư mời của Hội đồng Giám mục Việt Nam trước khi cấp visa đă làm cho nhiều Hồng Y, giám mục châu Á e sợ v́ các nước khác không đ̣i hỏi những thủ tục ấy, nhất là khi đón tiếp các lănh đạo Giáo Hội. Ngài thêm rằng các hoạt động tôn giáo đều bị kiểm soát chặt chẽ. “Tự do tôn giáo là quyền căn bản của con người. Thật không công bằng khi nhà nước lấy cái quyền này rồi lại đi ban phát lại cho người dân"
    Last edited by Nguyen Hung Kiet; 12-08-2013 at 09:32 AM.

  5. #15
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    Nhắn Thiếu uư TQLC Nguyễn Ngọc Lập : Ông nghĩ Ông là Bắc Di cư , Công Giáo , Sĩ quan QLVNCH , Quốc tịch Mỹ ! Ông muốn làm ǵ th́ làm kể cả bảo vệ chế độ Mafia Hà Nội !

    Ông lầm lớn : Tôi và Đồng bào Quốc nội sẽ trị Ông ra nước ! Ông sẽ Chết thảm khốc !

    Vợ Con Ông dám xuống đường biểu t́nh lên án Chế độ Cộng hoà không ?

    Vợ Con Ông trả mẹ Quốc tịch Mỹ cút về CHXHCN Việt Nam đi ! C̣n nhớ khi tuyên thệ vào Quốc tịch Mỹ không ? Không chấp nhận chủ nghĩa Cộng Sản .

    V́ vậy Ông chỉ là con Thú tật nguyền , Chết là đáng kiếp ! Làm nhục Binh chủng TQLCVN , tiếp tay chế độ hèn với giặc ác với dân .

    Quốc gia có luật pháp , đất nước có kỷ cương .

    Những hạng nguời như Ông Đéo xứng đáng là Công dân Mỹ hay là Công dân Việt Nam , mà phải chết thảm khốc !
    Đạo Binh Đức Mẹ của Đồng bào Công giáo Hà Nội sẽ xử tội Ông thôi !

    Nước chảy vê nguồn mà !

    Nguyễn Hùng Kiệt
    Last edited by Nguyen Hung Kiet; 12-08-2013 at 11:53 AM.

  6. #16
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    Carthage Missouri: Đại Hội Thánh Mẫu 2013

    Last edited by Nguyen Hung Kiet; 13-08-2013 at 01:13 PM.

  7. #17
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    Marian Days Festival in Carthage, MO- USA (2013)

    Cờ Vàng tung bay trong ngày Đại hội Thánh Mẫu tại thành phố Carthage - Tiểu bang Missouri ,miền Trung Tây Mỹ Quốc , trong 4 ngày từ thứ Năm 8.8 đến Chúa Nhật 11.8.2013

    Marian Days Drummers :

    Planners get ready for hot Marian Days

    By Susan Redden
    Globe Staff Writer The Joplin Globe

    CARTHAGE, Mo. — Organizers are preparing for the heat — as well as tens of thousands of visitors — as they get ready for the annual Marian Days celebration, which begins Thursday in Carthage.

    Triple-digit temperatures are not expected to affect turnout for the festival for Vietnamese Catholics on the campus of the Congregation of the Mother Co-Redemptrix.

    The event is held in early August each year, “and it’s always hot,” observed the Rev. Timothy Tran, CMC spokesman.

    Capt. Randee Kaiser, assistant chief of the Carthage Police Department, said the campus will include “lots of cooling stations,” and bottled water will be stockpiled for officers working security.

    The weather event that might have an impact, both Tran and Kaiser said, is the May 22 tornado in Joplin.

    Tran said CMC officials have fielded lots of calls from potential Marian Days visitors wanting to know if Carthage also was hit.

    “That might affect our turnout a little bit, but we’re expecting the normal numbers,” he said.

    Kaiser said he thinks the aftermath of the tornado might translate to more visitors camping on or around the CMC campus at Fairview and Grand avenues. The area normally is filled with campers, but Marian Days visitors also fill up hotels in Carthage and the area, he noted. This year, many hotels have been filled by people displaced by the tornado and by volunteers who are helping with the rebuilding.

    Wendi Douglas, director of the Carthage Convention and Visitors Bureau, said “quite a few emergency personnel” working in Joplin are staying in Carthage. She said those planning on attending Marian Days normally make their reservations in January.

    “Our hotels intend to honor those reservations, so there is going to be some shuffling,” she said.

    Patrick Tuttle, of the Joplin Convention and Visitors Bureau, said he had not talked with motel managers specifically about Marian Days. But, citing reservations made for other events, he said hotels “that have commitments are honoring them.”

    Kaiser said six different law enforcement agencies will help Carthage police during Marian Days, and scheduling for those officers is complete. Officers will come from the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department, and the Joplin, Webb City, Carl Junction, Carterville and Oronogo police departments.

    “I was worried that we wouldn’t be able to schedule officers out of Joplin; I thought they might be burned out on overtime because of the tornado,” he said. “I think they might be ready for a change of pace.”

    Officers patrol the grounds and work roadblocks to control traffic in and around the event. Using the additional officers allows Carthage to ensure security at the event and continue regular patrols in other parts of the city.

    City measures

    The Carthage City Council last week approved a resolution authorizing street closings and other steps to accommodate the Marian Days celebration

    Members of the Nguyen family set up a food tent Friday morning in preparation for Marian Days this week in Carthage. Clockwise from left are Minh Nguyen and Tom Nguyen, both of Oklahoma City; Hung Nguyen, of California; Don Nguyen, of Texas; and Hoang Nguyen, of Oklahoma City.

    Last edited by Nguyen Hung Kiet; 13-08-2013 at 01:46 PM.

  8. #18
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    Marian Days

    Marian Days is the main festival and pilgrimage for Vietnamese American Roman Catholics, celebrated since 1978 on the 28-acre campus of the Congregation of the Mother Co-Redemptrix in Carthage, Missouri. Vietnamese Americans from many parts of the United States, as well as non-Vietnamese locals and some visitors from Vietnam, attend the event.

    The celebration is held during the summer in honor of the Virgin Mary. Marian Days offer opportunities for Reconciliation and prayer.

    Pilgrims turn the surrounding area into a large campground, as many nearby residents allow then to erect tents on their lawns. Although the celebrations are centered around liturgy, they also feature a number of other events. Dioceses with large Vietnamese populations set up large tents to sell traditional Vietnamese food. Other organizations, such as the Knights of Columbus, also serve food to pilgrims in tents. Each night, singers entertain the large crowds with both folk and popular Vietnamese music.

    Hosted at Congregation of the Mother Co-Redemptrix (CMC on Fairview & Grand) since 1978, Marian days is a celebration of the Virgin Mary. A four day celebration that includes daily mass, authentic food Kiosks, and vendors that sell imported items

    Marian Days
    First weekend of August

    In 1975 the Congregation of the Mother Co-Redemptrix, a Vietnamese religious order, established a new campus in Carthage, Mo. The order's priests and brothers were among tens of thousands of Vietnamese citizens who came to the United States to escape the turmoil of the Vietnam War (1959–1975). Many Vietnamese Catholics believed their safe passage to America was the result of the Virgin Mary's intervention. Marian Days, which the small town of Carthage has hosted since 1977, is a time for Vietnamese Catholics to honor the Mother of Jesus and recognize the protection she offered to refugees.
    Despite its small size, Carthage somehow manages to handle the influx of more than 70,000 visitors for the summer celebration. Attendees come from all over the country; some stay in nearby hotels, and others camp on the grounds of the Catholic order's 28-acre campus or in residents' backyards. A festival area is arranged before the weekend for church groups to erect food tents and various displays.
    The weekend's events, which include daily Masses, penance ceremonies, benedictions, and religious lectures, lead up to the Saturday celebration, which consists of a parade for the Virgin Mary as well as a fireworks and balloon ceremony. The weekend closes with a final mass that is recited in Vietnamese and translated into English.

    Congregation of the Mother Co-Redemptrix
    1900 Grand Ave.
    Carthage, MO 64836
    Last edited by Nguyen Hung Kiet; 13-08-2013 at 02:25 PM.

  9. #19
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    Marian Days is a festival not to be missed mariwinn
    by Mari Winn Taylor

    Two Vietnamese ladies stroll the concession area of the Marian Days festival while one food stand is being set up.

    A popular concession stand is the one selling boba. Beverages are served containing tapioca "pearls" that fill the bottom of the containers. Unique lids top the drink containers and straws with pointy ends are provided to pierce them. It is difficult to avoid sucking up the boba which tastes like eating gummy bears

    Present on the festival grounds are (L-R) Wendi Douglas, executive director of the Carthage Convention & Visitor's Bureau, Carthage Fire Chief Chris Thompson and Carthage Chief of Police Greg Dagnan. They conducted a very interesting tour for media today.

    Waving toward the 10 rules governing the Marian Days celebrants is this Vietnamese grandfather who with other family members settled in early for the event.

    Carthage, Missouri is the location of a celebration--not your usual event even though it does have balloons, food and entertainment. This year, of course, it has an uninvited guest--mud--due to the hampering rain intermittently falling in the area.

    A weekend event in its 36th year, Marian Days, opens today, August 8, 2013, bringing together a massive community of Vietnamese people and their religious leaders from across the U.S. and Canada to revive the spirit of the "Blessed Virgin Mary" and son Jesus, according to the Catholic faith.

    Two Vietnamese ladies stroll the concession area of the Marian Days festival while one food stand is being set up.

    Bordering E. Highland Avenue, South Grand Avenue and East Fairview, part of the grounds of the Congregation of the Mother Co-Redemptrix and many of the surrounding areas, become filled with tents housing families who have gathered to attend confession and mass, enrichment seminars on family life and values and to enjoy two dozen entertainers scheduled to perform "Soul 2 Soul" from 10:30 p.m. to midnight on Friday and Saturday nights.

    "Some people leave town," Police Chief Greg Dagnan admitted. He said the department maintains a list of those not wanting yard campers. But those that do allow tents on their properties are not able to ask for compensation, he said, according to a Carthage ordinance that prohibits commerce in residential neighborhoods, but many do receive "donations" because of the generosity of the Vietnamese people.

    Waving toward the 10 rules governing the Marian Days celebrants is this Vietnamese grandfather who with other family members settled in early for the event.

    Touring the south campground opened by the church Fathers, one sees watering troughs, electric poles and a permanent place for showers and restroom facilities. Prominently displayed is a set of 10 rules that must be obeyed, including no liquor or drugs, no gambling or misconduct of any kind and no loud or inappropriate music. Also on the list is no littering.

    Garbage was being collected as it is scheduled to be on a regular basis--something that they have down to a science to accomodate the throngs, an estimated 50-70,000 people. A quick assessment of the contents of the trash bags--including discarded fast food containers--reveals how much the assemblage of people contributes to the local economy with McDonald's and other eateries and Walmart just a brisk walk away.

    A popular concession stand is the one selling boba. Beverages are served containing tapioca "pearls" that fill the bottom of the containers. Unique lids top the drink containers and straws with pointy ends are provided to pierce them. It is difficult to avoid sucking up the boba which tastes like eating gummy bears.

    Of course, many families also set up temporary stoves for their own use. The air becomes filled with the aroma of spiced beef on a stick and other Vietnamese specialties as tourists begin to fill the area, many of whom believe they are walking down the streets of a tent city in Saigon.

    Besides food, concessions sell practical items or those with a religious theme. Only churches are allowed to profit from the concession items that appear to be priced very reasonably.

    Worshipers at Marian Days pause before one of the Stations of the Cross.

    The religious narrative is displayed in the Stations of the Cross beginning with the first station, Noi Thu I, Jesus condemned to die. One pushes a button for an English or Vietnamese translation told with a musical background. Lit at night, worshipers pray before them.

    A very beautiful Oriental-style garden has graced the grounds of the Congregation. Perhaps, little known, it has been open to the public free of charge for about five years. Religious statuary, including Tuong Me Pieta (2011), pictured, have been added more recently. In a man-made cave are housed reproductions of objects from Jesus' time. They include the veil, sandals and crown of thorns and a large video screen that hammers home its message playing modern music.

    The founding of the Congregation came about thanks to the generosity of Cardinal Bernard Francis Law, then Bishop of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, a diocese that included Carthage. Cardinal Law, recognizing the need of the group of Vietnamese priests and brothers who just before the fall of Saigon in 1975 arrived amongst 185 congregants at Fort Chaffee (a refugee center in northwest Arkansas), sold them the vacant seminary building of the Our Lady of the Ozarks College in Carthage for $1 for use as their monastery and shrine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    Present on the festival grounds are (L-R) Wendi Douglas, executive director of the Carthage Convention & Visitor's Bureau, Carthage Fire Chief Chris Thompson and Carthage Chief of Police Greg Dagnan. They conducted a very interesting tour for media today.

    When the Vietnamese first established the festival, the reaction by law enforcement driving by was "What's that all about?" Dagnan commented. Today by ordinance a special force is temporarily deputized to attend to the needs of those gathered. And, according to Dagnan, people don't hesitate in making their wishes known.

    In evaluating the event, Dagnan said that it was "fun" to do this. "These folks are so nice."

    Since parking in the area is at a premium and Fairview is shut down for vehicular traffic, a shuttle service has been set up for visitors. It leaves from Walmart, 2705 S. Grand Ave. "Smart people leave their cars there, Dagnan said.

    Last edited by Nguyen Hung Kiet; 13-08-2013 at 03:00 PM.

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