Tạm dịch :

Chủ tịch nhà nước Bắc Hàn từng thú nhận với tổng giám đốc hăng Hyundai ( đă chết ) , Kim Jong Il đă có những giấc ác mộng bị ném đá tới chết , đầu tiên là Mỹ , kế đó là dân Nam Hàn và cuối cùng bị dân Bắc Hàn ném đá .

Theo lời con của tổng giám đoc hăng Hyhundai kể lại : " Cha tôi trước khi chết đă nói với tôi . Mặc dù được bao bọc bởi các hệ thống tuyên truyền của Bắc Hàn , h́nh ảnh của Kim jong Il được tạo như một lănh tụ kính mến , nhưng ông ta biết dân Bắc Hàn rất căm giận và khinh bỉ ông ta .

Nguồn :

N.Korea's Kim Jong-Il 'dreamed of stoning'

N.Korea's Kim Jong-Il 'dreamed of stoning' AFP/KCNA via KNS/File – North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il (pictured) told a visiting businessman he had nightmares of being stoned …
– Sun Mar 27, 12:37 am ET

SEOUL (AFP) – North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il told a visiting businessman he had nightmares of being stoned by angry members of the public in his isolated nation, a Seoul lawmaker said in an interview.

Kim told the late founder of the Hyundai group, Chung Ju-Yung, of having a dream that he was being stoned "first by Americans, second by South Koreans and finally by North Koreans," said Chung's son, Grand National Party lawmaker Chung Mong-Joon.

"I think Kim wanted to express that he was well aware of the desperate reality of North Korea," the younger Chung said in the interview with MBC TV on Sunday. He said he had heard the story from his father, who died in 2001.

The late South Korean business tycoon, who spearheaded major inter-Korea economic cooperation projects, visited Pyongyang several times from 1998 to 2000 to meet Kim.

In one of the meetings, Kim told Chung he was "well aware" that most people in the communist state disliked him, despite pervasive propaganda campaigns that idolise the ruling Kim family, according to Chung's son.

The Kim dynasty has ruled the North with an iron fist since its founding in 1948, sending political dissidents to prison camps where they reportedly face torture and forced labour that can last a lifetime.
