Muswellbrook, Vietnam Veterens Day Speech 18/08/2016
• Mr Gregory Cole – President of Muswellbrook RSL Sub-Branch .
• Distinguished Guest
• Members of the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia
• Ladies and Gentleman,
I am humbled today to be given the great honour to share my thoughts and pay respect to the heroes and their families that fought and protected for the freedom of the South Vietnamese people.
This year’s Vietnam Veterans day has special significance as it also marks the 50thAnniversary of the Battle of Long Tan. 50 years ago on this day in a rubber plantation near Long Tan in Phuoc Tuy Province, South Vietnam, 120 Australian forces - members of D Company and 6th battalion RAR - against overwhelming odds, successfully defeated and resisted an attack from an estimated 2,500 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese.
The Battle of Long Tan is a significant battle that demonstrates the spirit of Australian and New Zealand men and women that fought alongside the South Vietnamese during the Vietnam War: one of unwavering courage, bravery, determination and compassion...
(Đọc tiếp tại post #2).
Xin hăy nhấn vào Link coi TiVi của ABC Úc Châu phỏng vần ông Nguyễn Văn Bon về VC huỷ bỏ Kỷ niệm Long Tân ▼
Vietnam cancels Battle of Long Tan commemorations
Beverley O'Connor speaks to president of the Vietnamese Community in Australia, Bon Nguyen, about Vietnam's decision to cancel 50th anniversary commemorations of the Battle of Long Tan.
* COPY TỪ FACEBOOK: Nikonia Dang Tran, Denis Tran & Phuong Tran