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Thread: CHIẾN TRANH và TỘI ÁC: Cộng Sản - Quốc Gia, ai tàn ác hơn ai?

  1. #291
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    Cộng Sản - Quốc Gia - Ai tàn ác hơn Ai?

    Terrorist attacks in Saigon - Central Post Office - May 8, 1969

    Vụ nổ tại Bưu điện trung tâm Sài G̣n ngày 8-5-1969. Các kẻ khủng bố chẳng chừa một nơi nào mà không ra tay. Down with Terrorism!

  2. #292
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    Vụ nổ tại Bưu điện trung tâm Sài G̣n ngày 8-5-1969

  3. #293
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    Cộng Sản - Quốc Gia - Ai tàn ác hơn Ai?

    Terrorists bombed the American theater in Saigon - Rạp Kinh
    Đô, bị đánh bom ngày 16-2-1964

    rạp này ở số 85 Lê Văn Duyệt, khu vực
    sau này là văn pḥng USAID - Photo by Lee Baker

  4. #294
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    Bọn Việt Cộng khủng bố đặt chất nổ một khách sạn Sài gòn vào đêm Giáng Sinh 1964

  5. #295
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    Quote Originally Posted by lua ba thiet View Post
    Ông ta trả lời : Tao biết Việt Nam bây giờ như vầy , tao đé...o vượt biên làm ǵ cho mệt !
    Việt Cộng chờ gì mà không mời ông này lên Sài gòn, tới ngay sở xuất cảnh khuyên người Việt trong nước ngưng đừng nộp đơn xin xuất cảnh ra ngoại quốc trên toàn thể mọi phương diện nữa .

    Cảnh sắp hàng chờ làm thủ tục xuất cảnh của người dân VN miền Nam nè.

  6. #296
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    Cộng Sản - Quốc Gia - Ai tàn ác hơn Ai?

    (Ngày 30 tháng Tư, 1967: Một chuyến xe đ̣ chở khách trên Quốc lộ 1, phía tây Trảng Bàng, đi đến một chiếc cầu nhưng cầu đă bị Việt cộng phá sập. Trong khi tài xế cho quay đầu xe ngược lại, xe đ̣ cán phải một trái ḿn do Việt cộng gài. Hai mươi người bị thương và sau đó một người bị chết v́ vết thương quá nặng.)

  7. #297

  8. #298
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    Cộng Sản - Quốc Gia - Ai tàn ác hơn Ai? (

    Victims Of Viet Cong Midnight Raids
    Vietnamese Farmers Victims Of Viet Cong Midnight Raids - Nguyen Van Buong (shown in casket) was a 38-year-old rice farmer and the father of three children. His wife and aged father are shown standing around his casket in their thatched-roof, dirt-floored, one room home.

    Viet Cong Attack Sam Bua In Vinh Binh Province
    Victims of a Viet Cong attack on Sam Bua hamlet, Vinh Binh Province, on July 8, 1967, sit beside their destroyed homes.

  9. #299
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    Victims Of Viet Cong Midnight Raids
    Vietnamese Farmers Victims Of Viet Cong Midnight Raids - Nguyen Van Buong (shown in casket) was a 38-year-old rice farmer and the father of three children. His wife and aged father are shown standing around his casket in their thatched-roof, dirt-floored, one room home.

    Viet Cong Attack Sam Bua In Vinh Binh Province
    Victims of a Viet Cong attack on Sam Bua hamlet, Vinh Binh Province, on July 8, 1967, sit beside their destroyed homes.

  10. #300
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    Viet Cong Terrorists

    The communist leaders of Vietnam responsible for subjecting anti-Communist Vietnamese and U.S. prisoners of war to concentration camps, brutal guards, starvation rations, decapitation, killing fields and mass graves. The facts needed to investigate and successfully prosecute Vietnamese war criminals are clearly laid out in thousands of pages of documentation and testimony on file with the U.S. government, including statements and reports received from victims, witnesses, other governments, UN agencies, international organizations and non-governmental organizations.

    The Vietnamese Communist Leaders, have a well-defined and recorded history as a black-hearted war criminal. Vietnamese Communist Party recruited young Vietnamese men and women (children included) and trained them as terrorists for terrorism acts against the civilian population of South Vietnam .

    The communist leaders responsible for the Viet Cong's official policies pertaining to the treatment of U.S. prisoners of war, policies which resulted in the deaths of nearly 40 percent of all U.S. prisoners in Viet Cong prisons.

    In the name of justice and for the sake of all the victims of Vietnamese Communist's war crimes, please ask that they (VCP) be investigated and prosecuted by the newly formed United Nations War Crimes Tribunal.

    For your information, here is a list by date of some of the war crimes members of the Vietnamese Communist Party are guilty of.

    Viet Minh gained political power in 1954 , members of the Lao Dong (Communist Party) invaded South Vietnam after the end of the French-Indochina . Vietnamese communists conceal their involvement in ordering brutal acts of terrorism.

    1957-58: VCP used the application of violence, elimination of anyone who might potentially support, or form the core of, opposition to their communist ideologies deliberate policy of exterminating possible opponents had been refined to an art, with South Vietnamese village chiefs and their families serving as primary targets for wholesale campaigns of assassination.

    The following is a partial chronological list of terrorist acts which were a part of VCP's campaign of terror against the civilian population of South Vietnam.

    Feb. 2, 1960: Terrorists sack and burn the Buddhist temple at Phuoc Thanh, Tay Ninh province. They stab to death 17-year old Phan Van Ngoc, who tries to stop them.

    April 22, 1960: Some 30 armed communists raid Thoi Long, An Xuyen province. They attempt to take away villager Cao Van Nanh, 45. Villagers protest en masse. Farmer Pham Van Bai, 56, is particularly argumentative. The communists, angered, seize him.
    This arouses the villagers who swarm toward the Viet Cong and their prisoner. The communists fire into the crowd. A 16-year old boy is shot dead.

    August 23, 1960: Two school teachers, Nguyen Khoa Ngon and Miss Nguyen Thi Thiet, are preparing lessons at home when communists arrive and force them at gun point to go to their school, Rau Ran, in Phong Dinh province. There they find two men tied to the school veranda. The communists read the death order of the two men, named Canh and Van. They are executed, presumable to intimidate the school teachers.

    September 24, 1960: An armed band sacks a school in An Lac. An Gian province. It piles seats and desks together and fires them and the school. All that remains is four bare walls.

    September 28, 1960: Father Hoang Ngoc Minh, much beloved priest of Kontum parish, is riding from Tan Canh to Kondela. A communist road block halts his car. A bullet smashes into him. The guerrillas drive bamboo spears into Father Minh's body, then one fires a submachine gun point blank, killing him. The driver Huynh Huu, his nephew, is seriously wounded.

    September 30, 1960: A band of ten armed communists kidnap farmer Truong Van Dang, 67, from Long Tri, Long An province. They take him before what they call a "people's tribunal." He is condemned to death for purchasing two hectares of rice land and ignoring communist orders to turn the land over to another farmer. After the "trial" he is shot dead in his rice field.

    December 6, 1960: Terrorists dynamite the kitchen at the Saigon Golf Club, killing a Vietnamese kitchen helper and injuring two Vietnamese cooks.

    December 1960: The GVN reports to the ICC that during the year the communists destroyed or damaged 284 bridges, burned 60 medical aid stations and, through destruction of schools, deprived some 25,000 children of schooling.

    March 22, 1961: A truck carrying 20 girls is dynamited on the Saigon-Vung Tau road. The girls are returning from Saigon where they have taken part in a Trung Sisters Day celebration. After the explosion terrorists open fire on survivors. Two of the girls are killed and ten wounded. The girls are unarmed and traveling without escort.

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