THE ENGINEER Mar 3, 2014 @ 10:20 pm
I will concede that this is not a bad idea, but it is far from what is needed from a person who wants to lead this City of almost 1 million from the neglect it has suffered for the last 8 years. Unfortunately, VM Nguyen has also stayed hidden in Reed’s shadow for the last 8 years and has done nothing to separate herself from anyone else, much less the other members running for mayor.
It is stunning that this is literally the first time anyone on the council has acknowledged publically the ratio of housing-to-jobs imbalance, and just how unsustainable this really is for revenue growth in the City, and what a drain this is for services provided by the City. Had any effort been made by this council to address this very real problem over the last 8 years, we would be in far better shape now.