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  1. #41
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    Ebola Virus infection .

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    Ebola Virus, Ebola Virus infection, ebola virus video, ebola virus disease, ebola virus documentary
    Over 90 people have died so far in West Africas Ebola outbreak, which Doctors Without Borders (also known as MSF) is calling "unprecedented." And the deadly disease, reports indicate, is continuing to spread.

    Ebola is a frightening disease: It is one of the worlds most lethal viruses, and the CDC ranks it among anthrax and smallpox as a Category A bioterrorism agent. As some have pointed out, however, other diseases are taking a much bigger toll in the developing world. Ebola has killed 1,500 people in total since it was first documented in 1976. But the dramatic nature of Ebola aside, health workers say there are a number of reasons to believe this latest outbreak is particularly concerning:

    It is widespread.

    The outbreak began in Guinea two months ago, and has since crossed international borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia, where it is so far killed seven people. Now, Mali, another neighboring country, is reporting its first suspected cases as well.

    Because Ebola is not airborne — it can only be transmitted through direct contact with the blood or body secretions of someone who is infected — containing it is theoretically simple: health workers need to identify all possible cases and quarantine them. The widespread distribution of the outbreak complicates this, as does the fact that it is being found in urban centers instead of remote, rural areas.

    "This is the first time Ebola is detected in Guinea, so the population and the medical staff do not know the disease," Esther Sterk, a tropical medicine adviser for Doctors Without Borders, explained to NPR. At least 11 healthcare workers are among those infected, mostly likely because, as one expert explains, "they did not know what they were dealing with."

    There is also a large amount of stigma and fear associated with Ebola, Laurie Garrett, a senior fellow with the Council on Foreign Relations, explained to Bloomberg News. That attitude could cause patients to seek care in hospitals far away from their local communities, further spreading the disease. "If those hospitals are not aware of what is coming," Garrett added, "they will quickly become cauldrons, and spread the virus internally." To help counteract that problem, NPR reports, anthropologists are being flown into Guinea alongside health workers to help them contain the outbreak in a "culturally sensitive and appropriate" way.

    The only way to protect people is to keep them from getting it in the first place.

    The containment issue is so important because there is no vaccine available to protect people from Ebola; there is also no available treatment or cure. Once contracted, the disease kills about 90 percent of patients.

  2. #42
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    Trở lại với những ngày đầu , khi mới phát hiện Ebola trên nước Mỹ :

  3. #43
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    Ohio Bridal Shop Shut Over Ebola Fears

    Published on Oct 17, 2014

    An Akron, Ohio bridal shop has closed and its owner has been told to quarantine herself. Amber Vinson, a nurse now diagnosed with Ebola, visited the shop last weekend. (Oct. 17)

  4. #44
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    Ebola Outbreak In Ohio is Absurd

    Published on Oct 17, 2014

    Amber Vinson is an Dallas nurse who contracted Ebola while treating the recently deceased Liberian American Eric Duncan at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. Duncan was the first known case of the 2014 Ebola virus in the United States.

    Vinson traveled to Akron Ohio to plan her wedding via Dallas to the Cleveland Hopkins Airport. She was tested positive for Ebola after she returned to Dallas. Raising the fears that she could of spread Ebola to those around her while in Ohio and those aboard the plane.

    The bridal store called Coming Attractions bridal and formal on 220 E. Tallmadge Ave. in Akron Ohio was closed due to the fact that she was shopping there over the weekend.

    The Ebola virus has killed 4000 people in various West African countries. It began in Guinea in December 2013, then spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone. Nigeria has been able stop the disease from becoming an outbreak. An Ebola outbreak like in West Africa happening in the United States is extremely unlikely. It would be almost impossible for an outbreak to occur due the USA having an adequate resources to combat something like Ebola.

  5. #45
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    Ebola Causes Outbreak Of Fear, Panic & Obama-Hating At Fox News .

    "Yes, Ebola has come to the United States, but, for better or worse, President Obama actually didn’t have anything to do with it. Still, the conservative impulse is to somehow link a highly infectious virus with politics and blame Obama for refusing to shut down the borders to the United States. Um, could you be serious?

    Still, we do have sympathy. Often when something scary or inexplicable happens, we seek to place blame somewhere so that we won’t have to tolerate the feeling of existential meaninglessness. Like, for instance, why we have religion."* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

    *Read more here from Joanna Rothkopf / Salon:

  6. #46
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    Chuyện Ebola có thể lây lan khiến vấn đề ngày một trầm trọng thêm

    Texas School Closed After Students On Flight As Ebola Infected Nurse .

    Published on Oct 16, 2014

    Texas School Closed After Students On Flight As Ebola Infected Nurse

    A Central Texas school district has temporarily closed three of its campuses after two of its students traveled on the same flight as a nurse who has since been diagnosed with Ebola.

    Ebola fears grip Cleveland: Seven people in quarantine, two schools shut and medics on paid leave after second US nurse to catch deadly virus visited Ohio

    Schools and hospitals are on lock-down across Cleveland and seven people have voluntarily quarantined themselves after it emerged the second US nurse to contract Ebola spent three days in the city.
    Amber Jay Vinson, 29, already had a fever when she traveled home to Ohio to plan her wedding and visit her mother last Friday, despite being one of the 76 medical workers from Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital under observation by the Centers for Disease Control.
    Today it emerged Vinson, who had treated Ebola 'patient zero' Thomas Eric Duncan, went shopping at a bridal store with five friends for a fitting while harboring concerns that she was sick.
    Health officials say she was told she was at risk for exposure to the disease but boarded a Frontier Airlines flight regardless.
    The news has prompted high schools and medical centers to send home staff and students amid fears that they could have come into contact with Vinson.
    And the Ohio Department of Health has now ordered anyone who had contact with Amber Vinson to go into a mandatory quarantine for 21 days.

    Vinson remained in her home for the three days she was in Cleveland, except for one trip to a bridal store with five friends.
    Those friends have now all been placed in quarantine where they will be interviewed and tested daily.
    The store's owners have voluntarily closed while CDC officials investigate the level of risk.

    There are now seven people in quarantine in Ohio after being in contact with Vinson, and her mother is in quarantine in Dallas.
    Health officials at a press conference in Cleveland today insisted they will continue to plug Vinson for more details about her three days in and around the city as they acknowledged she may not be able to remember her every move.
    Meanwhile, schools and hospitals are taking precautions.
    Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) has ordered a teacher at Cranwood elementary school to stay at home today after learning last night that they may have come in contact with a person diagnosed with the Ebola virus.

    Overnight, the entire school has been 'thoroughly cleaned with a bleach-based cleaning solution according to guidelines provided by the Center for Disease Control,' the board said.

    A few miles south east of Cleveland, staff and pupils were today barred from Solon Middle School and Parkside Elementary School in Solon, Ohio.

    It came after a middle school teacher that works at both schools revealed they had traveled home from Dallas on Frontier Airlines on Tuesday - on a different flight, but possibly the same plane as Vinson, NBC reported.

    Meanwhile, a number of nurses at Cleveland Clinic, The MetroHealth System, and University Hospitals have been placed on paid leave after traveling on the same flight as Vinson.

  7. #47
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    Who Can You Really Catch Ebola From? .

    Published on Oct 17, 2014

    I heard a report on the radio about how you can get Ebola from other people but something doesn't make sense about it.

  8. #48
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    Plane Passenger Discusses Sitting Next To Ebola-Infected Nurse

    Published on Oct 16, 2014

    Plane Passenger Discusses Sitting Next To Ebola-Infected Nurse

    A writer from Dallas quarantined himself at home after learning he'd flown on the same flight as a nurse infected with Ebola.

    Ebola-stricken nurse Amber Vinson may have had symptoms almost a week ago - BEFORE she left Dallas for Ohio, went bridesmaid dress shopping, and flew BACK to Texas

    Ebola-stricken nurse Amber Vinson may have been showing symptoms of the deadly virus as early as last Friday - before she flew to Ohio for the weekend and then back to Texas.

    The CDC made the shocking announcement on Thursday, after Miss Vinson was revealed as the second medical worker in Dallas to contract Ebola from the U.S.'s 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan.

    On October 10, Miss Vinson, 29, may have had Ebola symptoms when she flew out of Dallas-Fort Worth Airport on Frontier Airlines Flight 1142 to Cleveland to plan her upcoming wedding, a health official said today.

    CDC Dr Chris Braden said during a press briefing on Thursday: 'We had started to look at the possibility that she had symptoms going back as far as Saturday.

    'This has to do with the bridal shop. Some more information that has come through recently says we can't rule out that she might have had the start of her symptoms on Friday.'

    Seven people in Cleveland and Akron have put themselves in voluntary quarantine after coming into contact with Miss Vinson, including five friends whom she shopped with for bridesmaid dresses at bridal store, Coming Attractions, in Cleveland.

    The news has prompted high schools and medical centers in Ohio to send home staff and students amid fears that they could have come into contact with the nurse.

    Miss Vinson remained in her home for the three days she was in Cleveland, except for one trip to a bridal store with friends - but authorities are pressing her further on her movements.

    The store's owners have voluntarily closed while CDC officials investigate the level of risk.

    The owner of the store told Newsnet5 that Miss Vinson didn't seem sick when she visited to pick out dresses.

    The 29-year-old is now being treated at Emory in Atlanta, Georgia where she was described as being in a stable condition.

    She was airlifted from Dallas, Texas on Wednesday evening on a specialized plane with quarantine unit, along with medical staff in hazmat suits.

    Miss Vinson was one of the nurses at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital to treat Duncan when he was admitted a second time on September 28, in the first 'high-risk' days when there is a high volume of bodily fluids from projectile vomiting, bleeding and explosive diarrhea.

    According to CDC guidelines, the nurse should have limited her movements.

    It is not clear if Miss Vinson called the CDC before boarding her flight from Dallas to Cleveland.

    Before her return flight on Monday, the nurse noticed a spike in her temperature and called the CDC several times to see if she should get on the plane.

    When she finally got through to a CDC representative, she was cleared since her 99.5F fever was beneath the 100.4 threshold.

    CDC Director Dr Thomas Frieden admits that was the wrong call.

    Dr Frieden also noted that Miss Vinson had flown to Ohio before the first nurse with Ebola, 26-year-old Nina Pham from Fort Worth, was diagnosed with the virus.

    Miss Pham was described as being in a 'good condition' today.

    She is being transferred to a special isolation ward at the National Institutes of Health Hospital in Maryland.

  9. #49
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    Nina Pham now in Maryland for Ebola treatment .

    Published on Oct 17, 2014

    Nina Pham is now beginning Ebola treatment in Maryland. She was transferred from Texas Health Presbyterian for fear the virus has overwhelmed the hospital. Another one of the hospital's employees has been isolated on a cruise.

  10. #50
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    .Hospital Releases Video of Ebola-stricken Nurse .

    Published on Oct 16, 2014

    Newly released video by Texas Presbyterian Hospital shows Nina Pham, one of two nurses who contracted Ebola after treating a patient in Dallas, speaking from her bed before being transferred to Maryland for further treatment. (Oct. 16)

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