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Thread: Bộ đội cụ Hồ bị xích chân vô súng máy (Viet Cong chained to machine guns)

  1. #91
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    These NVA soldiers were chained to their weapons

    Bài viết : The War above the Trees (Ý tác giả muốn nói những bộ đội cụ hồ bí xích trên cây với khẩy súng máy)
    By Ronald Carey

    Page 107
    Chapter VII
    "LZ Brace"

    Trích đoạn:

    During the night the enemy has retreated to the south . The enemy gunners who covered their withdrawal have bên killed by artillery and by the assault platoons of the three companies . These NVA soldiers were chained to their weapons . We are moving troops and they want it done now .

  2. #92
    Member Trungthuc5's Avatar
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    Ngẫm nghĩ cũng thấy đúng, Nó tuyên truyền thế nào mà nguyên xa đội (Tankcrew) của xe tăng cứ tỉnh bơ ngồi yên cho cấp chỉ huy xiềng chân vào xích, còn đầu kia của sợi xích thì hàn dính dưới sàn xe ..mà không có một hành động tự vệ nào để phản đối.
    -Cũng không có ǵ gọi là giỏi đâu. Những bộ đội miền Bắc cấp binh nh́ toàn bọn trẻ con, theo tài liệu báo chí nói có đứa chỉ 13, 14 tuổi thôi. Đây là tuổi nhóc lại xuất thân từ nhà quê, dốt nát nên rất dễ bị người lớn lừa.

    Có thể họ lừa những câu đại loại thế này:

    -Anh tạm xích chúng mày lại nhé để xe tank khỏi chạy mất. Xe tank này có đặc điểm là người và xe phải gắn bó với nhau th́ súng mới bắn dữ dội được. Cứ gặp Mỹ, hoặc nguỵ là bắn xối xả vào. Xong trận các anh sẽ mở xích cho.

    Hoặc là:

    -Anh tạm xích chúng mày lại. Nguỵ chúng nó không nỡ bắn trẻ con bị xích đâu, yên tâm nhé rồi các anh sẽ cho chúng mày về Bắc thăm nhà kỳ này.

    Nói chung, lừa con nít vừa ngu vừa dốt rất dễ. Ai cũng khôn hết th́ làm sao Cộng Sản tồn tại cho được.

  3. #93
    Join Date

    They were even chained to trees.

    Bài viết :Shoot Out at the Hai Van Pass

    MAY 12: Crash in the Jungle
    Cpl. Robert B. "Steiny" Steinberg relates:

    Trích đoạn:

    Here's what happened at Hai Van Pass that day: We were briefed that morning that for the previous three days the gooks had been shooting birds out of the zone on every attempt made to medevac the wounded. We were informed that they were even chained to trees. The plan was to make only one trip in to recover all the wounded so as not to expose ourselves to a second approach and the accompanying enemy fire

    (Ghi chú: Viên phi công trực thăng Hoa Kỳ gọi " The gooks" = bọn mọi da vàng =Việt Cộng)

  4. #94
    Join Date

    An enemy machine gunner ankle-chained to a tree

    Bây giờ mời bà con đọc thơ của một cựu Đại Úy phi công trực thăng Hoa Kỳ có đề cập đến bộ đội cụ hồ bị xích vào súng.

    Bài viết - exclusive poetry of John J Duffy

    Jaws of Death
    (Captain Jack Heslin - Silver Star)

    A Special Operations Force was surrounded.
    They had five seriously wounded,
    And they needed to evacuate them,
    Before they could fight their way out.

    I was "Blue One", the mission commander.
    My job was to pull out the wounded.

    I had five lift ships, plus gunships.
    This mission is a "hot" exfiltration.

    The friendlies are deep within enemy territory,
    Trapped on a mountain side.
    The enemy had them cornered and was waiting
    . They knew a helicopter rescue would take place.

    I launched our package of lift ships and guns.
    The Forward Air Controller was working air,
    Phantoms were diving in and bombing the enemy.
    Anti-aircraft fire was coming out of the jungle.

    The radio was chattering with directions:
    "Blue One, you are cleared in now.
    " The pick-up site was a "hover hole".
    I dropped out of the sky in a corkscrew approach.

    Enemy fire shattered the front canopy window.
    My co-pilot was bleeding from his face.
    "How bad are you hit, can you still fly?"
    "I'm OK. I'm OK. Let's get them out."

    In we went, bullets lacing the ship,
    A hanging touch down on the right skid.
    Wounded loading through the right door.
    The rotor blades clipping the branches.

    I see an enemy machine gunner in front of me,
    Ankle-chained to a tree and aiming at me.
    My left door gunner opens up on automatic
    , Blasting the enemy from his killing perch.

    Wounded on-board, lift-up and fly away,
    Enemy gunfire tears our ship apart.
    I'm bleeding power and going down.
    "Blue One going down. Mayday. Mayday. Mayday."

    I see an opening on the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" below.
    I'll land on the road, and we'll fight from there.
    I auto-rotate in with the last element of power.
    We hit hard and bounce twice: "Everyone out!"

    The crew grabs their machine guns and ammo.
    I grab my automatic rifle and pistol.
    The enemy is all around - they are running away.
    They are afraid, they think we are attacking.

    The chase ships come in right behind us.
    They quickly load the wounded on one bird.
    My crew and I jump aboard the other bird.
    It is up and away from the jaws of death.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by Trungthuc5 View Post
    -Cũng không có ǵ gọi là giỏi đâu. Những bộ đội miền Bắc cấp binh nh́ toàn bọn trẻ con, theo tài liệu báo chí nói có đứa chỉ 13, 14 tuổi thôi. Đây là tuổi nhóc lại xuất thân từ nhà quê, dốt nát nên rất dễ bị người lớn lừa.

    Có thể họ lừa những câu đại loại thế này:

    -Anh tạm xích chúng mày lại nhé để xe tank khỏi chạy mất. Xe tank này có đặc điểm là người và xe phải gắn bó với nhau th́ súng mới bắn dữ dội được. Cứ gặp Mỹ, hoặc nguỵ là bắn xối xả vào. Xong trận các anh sẽ mở xích cho.

    Hoặc là:

    -Anh tạm xích chúng mày lại. Nguỵ chúng nó không nỡ bắn trẻ con bị xích đâu, yên tâm nhé rồi các anh sẽ cho chúng mày về Bắc thăm nhà kỳ này.

    Nói chung, lừa con nít vừa ngu vừa dốt rất dễ. Ai cũng khôn hết th́ làm sao Cộng Sản tồn tại cho được.
    Chính trị giỏi của bọn cộng sản =tuyên truyền giỏi= bịp bợp giỏi
    Ánh sáng sự thật sẽ đánh bại bọn cộng sản chuyên dùng chiêu bài dối trá bịp bợm tuyên truyền xuyên tạc lấo khoét .

  6. #96
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    The Viet Cong gunner's body was chained to his gun

    Bài viết :U.S Air power, Shovels and Courage Saved
    Sarasota Journal
    Sarasota, Florida,Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 27,1965,3332433

    Trích đoạn:

    One American was killed in an assault on a machine-gun position 200 yards from the camp, Moore reported .He said three companies of Montagnard tribesmen accompanied by several U.S advisers rushed the gun and knock it out with grenades and small arms fire .
    The Viet Cong gunner's body was chained to his gun, he said.

  7. #97
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    A dead VC was found shackled by his neck and chained to the heavy machine gun

    Lần này mời bà con đọc chuyện một bộ đội cụ Hồ bị xiềng cổ vào súng, có lẽ cái xiềng chỉ vừa với cái cổ ốm tong teo của anh chàng bộ đội cụ Hồ và rộng hơn cái cổ chân khẳng khiu của hắn ta .

    Bài viết :2/503d VIETNAM Newsletter
    Page : 6

    Trích đoạn:

    “I later wrote up Vose and Renfro for the Distinguished Service Cross for their heroic actions that morning. Renfro eventually received a Silver Star. Sometime later he went AWOL to Europe for two months to be with his wife. When he came back he got busted, made the rank of Sergeant again, and was later killed. Following the battle a dead VC was found shackled by his neck and chained to the heavy machine gun Vose and his men took out. Bill and his men were awarded Bronze Stars for their heroic actions.” Gus Vendetti

  8. #98
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    The VC chained some of their machine gunners to their weapons

    Bài viết:operation report information
    for 173 ABN
    2/503 ABN
    1/503 ABN

    173 ABN was a US Army unit
    2/503 ABN was a US Army unit
    1/503 ABN was a US Army unit
    Primary service involved, US Army
    Operation SILVER CITY
    Incident reference: 66031600.BAT This information is available on CD-ROM.
    Long Khanh Province, III Corps, South Vietnam
    Location, War Zone D
    Description: The 2/503d Abn, 173d Abn Bde was attacked from four directions by the VC 501st Bn. The Americans held their perimeter while inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. The VC chained some of their machine gunners to their weapons to ensure effective fire against the paratroopers. The 1/503d Abn reinforced the 2/503d and between them the VC Bn was decimated. The mop-up patrols counted 302 VC KIAs against 7 American KIAs. The battle started when the 2/503d pulled in its LPs from the previous night. At the same time a resupply helicopter began descending into the perimeter. As the Huey neared the ground a hail of AW fire poured into it and it crashed. Within seconds the VC force hit the infantry but they were ready.

    The source for this information was Tunner 1st Inf Div P:30; Sky Soldier by Turner P:17; DAK TO by Murphy P:33

  9. #99
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    Communist were found chained by their ankles to a machine gun - the chain was like a heavy dog chain.

    Còn trường hợp này là một tổ 3 tên Việt Cộng bị xích chung và chết chùm với nhau

    Bài viết :It is my opinion
    By Irene Corbally Kuhn
    (Reading Eagle Magazine)
    Page 12/46,3200801

    Trích đoạn:
    Yet Allied officers and South Vietnamese marines, securing an area of Hue, during the three weeks battle for the ancient castle, found this typically Communist example of waging war.The men, all privates, bare foot, their bodies riddled with bullets, were found chained by their ankles to a machine gun. It was set up inside a school which, thanks to captive trio, was able to hold out for two days. Maj. Paul Carlsen of San Clemente Calif., an adviser with the South Vietnamese 5th Marine Battalion, said the chain binding the three men to their gun was like a heavy dog chain, with links haft an inch wide. He said the machine gun was a light one, Chinese-made, with a circular magazine. It is the type used by both North Vitnamese and Vietcong troops and can be operated by one man. the American major said it apparently was intended that the first man was killed the two others would have to stay where they were, operating the gun until all three men were dead .

  10. #100
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    The bodies of Vietcong machine gunners had been found chained to their weapons .

    Trong bài này tác giả nhấn mạnh có rất nhiều xạ thủ súng máy VC bị xích chân vào các ổ súng máy trong trận chiến Plei Me

    Bài viết:Paper Soldiers: The American Press in Vietnam
    by Clarence R. Wyatt
    Page 27

    Trích đoạn:
    This lack of perspective, this "intentiveness on the moment,"41 as I.F. Stone called it, was responsible for instances of poor reporting in la Drang as well. An article by UPI correspondent Eddie Adams in the October 23rd Chicago Tribune, and in the October 24th editions of the Post-Dispatch, Minneapolis Tribune, and Tennessean, is a good case in point. The story reported that the bodies of Vietcong machine gunners had been found chained to their weapons outside the Green Beret camp at Plei Me.

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