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Thread: Thảo luận # 2

  1. #121
    Member Dr_Tran's Avatar
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    Dear QTDA, I am making great progress with the crushing of VN stock market. VN is having severe stagflation because of Decision 11 that I caused VN commies to make errors in. Bad debt is sky-high due to stagflation.

    Any observing person MUST see the huge impact of my visible hands on VN economy.

    In politics, I make inroads into many branches of VN gov. These people waste no time to do personal attack on me, because they know by my visible actions and predictions that I am the person they have been waiting for a very long time now, who could dig them and the country out of the hole without hurting anyone in the process.

    NHKiet could try to character-assassinate me for the rest of his pathetic life but a person of his IQ and family education could never accomplish anything in this lifetime, biting my asshole included.

    We all have but one life to live. Let's do something useful.

  2. #122
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    Dear Dr Tran

    Just concentrate on doing your work . The result will speak for itself in time .

    Don't be upset that people are đoubting you or attacking you . In fact , take it as a compliment that what you said have touched them deeply enough for them to care so much . That's a success in itself . There is no need to loose your cool and to speak harshly .

    Personally , although I see so many huge huge obstacles that you and DVQD are facing and I can't see how you will overcome them , I respect your relentless determination to keep following your dream . My hat off to you for that !

    I wish you the best of luck , as me too , I want to see the Commies going down ..

  3. #123
    Member Dr_Tran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoài An View Post
    Dear Dr Tran

    Just concentrate on doing your work . The result will speak for itself in time .

    Don't be upset that people are đoubting you or attacking you . In fact , take it as a compliment that what you said have touched them deeply enough for them to care so much . That's a success in itself . There is no need to loose your cool and to speak harshly .

    Personally , although I see so many huge huge obstacles that you and DVQD are facing and I can't see how you will overcome them , I respect your relentless determination to keep following your dream . My hat off to you for that !

    I wish you the best of luck , as me too , I want to see the Commies going down ..
    Dear HA, no worries, no more than 5 people in the entire world know more than me about the VN economy, and not a single person could PREDICT its direction, through computerized economic models, as accurately as me.

    Not difficult at all to find out that my strongest points are in macro-economics and government planning design.

    Labor strikes will spread all over the country in a few months. More than 3 a day for the last few months.

    Stock market is collapsing. Trillions of dongs have been wasted just since June 1st. I claim much credit on that.

    One day, maybe as soon as this time next yr, all of these may find their way into VN history books.

    I have a lot, a great deal, of money standing here, ready for the final attack, in about 2 months.

    When VN economy collapses, stock market reduced down to 50% of today's value, people take to the streets everywhere, THE VIETNAM NEW CONSTITUTION will be formally launched in many major international newspapers.

    Three professors helped editing it and I will go on live TV to talk to the world and to VN gov that the time to act is NOW to prevent a major crisis in VN. Without the NEW CONSTITUTION, VN would go into chaos and if the people win, there will be massive massacre of VN commies.

    Facing such a grim prospect, VN commies shall have no choice but agree to go some where to talk. By then, they will have known so darn well that Dr. Tran has absolutely no intention to hurt them. They give out the country, they keep everything else.

    By then, because I am the person behind all these economic activities that caused the leaving of VN gov, no one else could compete with me in driving the direction for the country.

    No other group or person has any slightest idea on how to topple the VN gov and what to do after that. This is so easy to see.

    Once the NEW CONSTITUTION is put in place, either by temporary enforcement or via a national referendum, the country will be in good order. Many parties could compete fairly, even if a bad one takes power, so what, the people could take them down any time through a referendum, or through a national election in a few yrs.

    The above is my road map for the country. NVHN do not support the NEW CONSTITUTION now, they may never have a chance. I can see that the golden flag may never again fly in VN, by people's choice.
    Last edited by Dr_Tran; 01-07-2011 at 07:07 PM.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Tran View Post
    Dear HA, no worries, no more than 5 people in the entire world know more than me about the VN economy, and not a single person could PREDICT its direction, through computerized economic models, as accurately as me.

    Not difficult at all to find out that my strongest points are in macro-economics and government planning design.

    Labor strikes will spread all over the country in a few months. More than 3 a day for the last few months.

    Stock market is collapsing. Trillions of dongs have been wasted just since June 1st. I claim much credit on that.

    One day, maybe as soon as this time next yr, all of these may find their way into VN history books.

    I have a lot, a great deal, of money standing here, ready for the final attack, in about 2 months.

    When VN economy collapses, stock market reduced down to 50% of today's value, people take to the streets everywhere, THE VIETNAM NEW CONSTITUTION will be formally launched in many major international newspapers.

    Three professors helped editing it and I will go on live TV to talk to the world and to VN gov that the time to act is NOW to prevent a major crisis in VN. Without the NEW CONSTITUTION, VN would go into chaos and if the people win, there will be massive massacre of VN commies.

    Facing such prospect, VN commies shall have no choice but agree to go some where to talk. By then, they will have known so darn well that Dr. Tran has absolutely no intention to hurt them. They give out the country, they keep everything else.

    By then, because I am the person behind all these economic activities that caused the leaving of VN gov, no one else could compete with me in driving the direction for the country.

    No other group or people has any slightest idea on how to topple the VN gov and what to do after that. This is so easy to see.

    Once the NEW CONSTITUTION is put in place, either by temporary enforcement or via a national referendum, the country will be in good order. Many parties could compete fairly, even if a bad one takes power, so what, the people could take them down any time through a referendum, or through a national election in a few yrs.

    The above is my road map for the country. NVHN do not support the NEW CONSTITUTION now, they may never have a chance. I can see that the golden flag may never again fly in VN, by people's choice.

    Dear Dr Tran ,

    If the golden flag will not fly again in Viet Nam , by the local people's choice , then so be it . Governments come and go , flags come and go . Policies come and go . We each can only do the best that we can , in our own abilities . We can not force others to do what they don't want to do .

    Maybe you are indeed centuries ahead of people , but that is no excuse for you not to try to speak to people in simpler and friendlier terms so that they can understand you .

    Regardless of whether you are going to need any particular person or group of persons' votes for your cause , it is good practice to try to win everyone's support . One day you are going to address the public on national and maybe even international televisions, if you continue to speak like you do now , that will be the greatest disservice you can do to DVDQ .

    To show care and concerns for all , including those who hate you , is the hallmark of a truly great soul . I think you understand what I mean .

  5. #125


    Quote Originally Posted by Hoài An View Post
    Thưa anh Kiến Hưng

    HA đă trả lời câu hỏi này từ sớm rồi .

    Đối với cá nhân HA , th́ cho đến thời điểm hiện nay Dr Tran chỉ là 1 cái nick ảo trên một trang mạng ảo , những ǵ anh ta viết ở Minh Biện , ở Cà và ở đây chỉ có 1 số rất nhỏ so với con số 4 triệu người Việt hải ngoại và hơn 80 triệu người Việt quốc nội biết đến , chứ khoan nói là hưởng ứng , mà đa số là hưởng ứng miêng . Số người thật sự tham gia góp sức cho HP 7 hay ĐVDQ bằng những việc làm thực tế lại càng ít hơn .

    Trong 1 trang mạng ảo gồm vài trăm thành viên th́ tiếng vang của nick Dr Tran có vẻ lớn , chứ bước ra ngoài đời thật , th́ quả là chưa có ai biết đến , cho dù là ở hải ngoại hay tại quốc nội . Những nhân vật có tầm quan trọng trong cộng đồng người Việt , trong các tổ chức đấu tranh trong và ngoài nước , chưa hề nghe đến DrTran hoặc đến HP 7 .

    Let 's put things into perspective .

    Khi nào DrTran ra mặt đấu tranh hay quảng bá HP 7 , bằng cách xuất đầu lộ diện trước công chúng trong và ngoài nước , với tư cách một nhà lănh đạo cách mạng , như Lê Công Định , LM Nguyễn Hữu Lễ , LM Nguyễn Văn Lư .. th́ lúc đó HA mới đặt nặng vấn đề điều tra lư lịch xem thật sự anh ta là ai .

    Tuy rằng HA biết khá nhiều chi tiết về cá nhân Dr Tran ( do anh ta tự ḿnh khai ra ) nhưng HA chưa thấy cần thiết phải tốn thời gian đi kiểm chứng , hay thấy cần thiết phải bịt miệng anh ta v́ cho rằng anh ta là Trung Cộng hay tay sai CS .

    T́nh h́nh quốc nội hiện nay đang rất căng thẳng , c̣n hàng trăm ngàn việc HA có thể làm để mang lại ích lợi cho công cuộc chung của dân tộc hơn là việc đi săm soi 1 cái nick ảo .

    HA quan niệm rằng tại VL này , HA đối xử với nick DrTran cũng như với tất cả các nick của thành viên khác : tôn trọng quyền phát biểu , nhắc nhở hay ghi phạt nếu phạm luật , tranh luận và phản biện khi cần . Ngoài ra HA không xen vào chuyện đời tư của nick DrTran hay của bất cứ ai .

    Nếu anh Kiến Hưng ( hay ai khác ) có hứng thú muốn bỏ thời gian , công sức để đi t́m hiểu xem Dr Tran ngoài đời thật là ai th́ đó là việc riêng của anh , miễn là anh không phạm luật ǵ của VL th́ HA hoàn toàn không phản đối .

    Mong anh hiểu .

    Trân trọng .
    Quá hay.
    Dân Việt ḿnh hay bị lừa là vậy.
    Cộng sản vẽ ra một cái bánh tuyệt vời "LÀM THEO NĂNG LỰC, HƯỞNG THEO NHU CẦU"; Kế đó là lời tuyên chiến khát máu nhất trong lịch sử: "ĐÀO MỒ CHÔN CNTB TRÊN TOÀN THẾ GIỚI"...
    Thế mà vẫn kéo theo 1/3 trái đất xuống hố. Hông có những hành động tự vệ toàn diện của Hoa Ḱ th́ bây giờ nhân loại đă lên thiên đàng ḅ bo hết roài.
    Một thí dụ đơn giản nhất là hiện tượng Trần Dần Với vài tấm h́nh... Đă làm cho dân Việt khắp nơi nhảy cà tửng ca ngợi này nọ...
    Tui chưa đọc HP7, nên hông có ư kiến nhưng đứng sau 1 hiến pháp, 1 học thuyết phải có 1 tổ chức, một phong trào, một lối đi mới có thể tập hợp được sức mạnh của quần chúng mới có hi vọng tới đích.

    Dr. Tran cũng chỉ là 1 con người ẢO.

    Làm sao bạn có thể gửi trọn niềm tin vào ông ta được?
    Cặp bồ qua mạng th́ cũng phải chuyện tṛ, h́nh webCam... gặp gỡ... Rùi mới tính xa hơn... Phỏng?
    Một học thuyết hay, một HP tuyệt là quan trọng, nhưng làm thế nào để có chổ đứng mà giảng giải thực thi chúng mới là điếu quyết định.
    Sau đó ta mới có khả năng coi cái chính phủ, cái tổ chức đó có hành động theo cái bánh vẽ đó không, Hay cũng chỉ là bánh vẽ...
    Last edited by GPD.; 01-07-2011 at 09:57 PM.

  6. #126
    Member Dr_Tran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoài An View Post
    Dear Dr Tran ,

    If the golden flag will not fly again in Viet Nam , by the local people's choice , then so be it . Governments come and go , flags come and go . Policies come and go . We each can only do the best that we can , in our own abilities . We can not force others to do what they don't want to do .

    Maybe you are indeed centuries ahead of people , but that is no excuse for you not to try to speak to people in simpler and friendlier terms so that they can understand you .

    Regardless of whether you are going to need any particular person or group of persons' votes for your cause , it is good practice to try to win everyone's support . One day you are going to address the public on national and maybe even international televisions, if you continue to speak like you do now , that will be the greatest disservice you can do to DVDQ .

    To show care and concerns for all , including those who hate you , is the hallmark of a truly great soul . I think you understand what I mean .
    Dear HA, thanks for your kind advice. But the fact is that I hardly care a damn about those outdated ideologues who try to character-assassinate me.

    I am VERY glad that they use obscene language to attack me. That shows they are low class people. Their own folks don't attack them, and that only show that ALL of them have the same class.

    Quoc Dan said those people were just a few. I respectfully disagree. There may be just a few who wrote, but what about the hundreds of readers, many of whom must be of the same ideologies. But they keep silence in approval. I hold them ALL guilty, guilty of belonging to the same dirty class.

    As a standard bearer, I must hold high and proud the Vietnamese heritage. I must condemn the act of Vietnamese-styled begging that we see all over VN and abroad.

    In medicine, I have always been the very standard-bearing guy of the highest degree in every single setting:

    In Vietnamese politics, I intend to do the same, now and ever later.

    No difference between begging for zero-interest IMF, WB, ADB loans; or begging foreigners in the street; or wandering around one social services office after another until people there get sick of seeing Vietnamese faces that they throw in some money just to see us please disappear.

    Those people don't know or care a damn about VN politics. All they know is, Vietnamese are beggars, too many Vietnamese are beggars.

    Now, if even a famous writer joins this giant crowd of Vietnamese beggars, how would those people think of us as a people, an ethnic, a civilization?

    I have to voice my opposition, I just have to condemn the mentality that it is okay to receive public assistance from abroad, from countries or people that are not ours.

    I know this standard could be too high, but it is much beneficial and prestigious for us as a great people with a great civilization to have it that way, rather than relaxing it and very soon we'd see ourselves falling into the creek of humanity and civility.

    Or, perhaps we already did, and so we no longer care?
    Last edited by Dr_Tran; 01-07-2011 at 08:20 PM.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Tran View Post
    Dear HA, thanks for your kind advice. But the fact is that I hardly care a damn about those outdated ideologues who try to character-assassinate me.

    I am VERY glad that they use obscene language to attack me. That shows they are low class people. Their own folks don't attack them, and that only show that ALL of them have the same class.

    Quoc Dan said those people were just a few. I respectfully disagree. There may be just a few who wrote, but what about the hundreds of readers, many of whom must be of the same ideologies. But they keep silence in approval. I hold them ALL guilty, guilty of belonging to the same dirty class.

    As a standard bearer, I must hold high and proud the Vietnamese heritage. I must condemn the act of Vietnamese-styled begging that we see all over VN and abroad.

    No difference between begging for zero-interest IMF, WB, ADB loans; or begging foreigners in the street; or wandering around one social services office after another until people there get sick of seeing Vietnamese faces that they throw in some money just to see us please disappear.

    Those people don't know or care a damn about VN politics. All they know is, Vietnamese are beggars, too many Vietnamese are beggars.

    Now, if even a famous writer joins this giant crowd of Vietnamese beggars, how would those people think of us as a people, an ethnic, a civilization?

    I have to voice my opposition, I just have to condemn the mentality that it is okay to receive public assistance from abroad, from countries or people that are not ours.

    I know this standard could be too high, but it is much beneficial and prestigious for us as a great people with a great civilization to have it that way, than relaxing it and very soon we'd see ourselves falling into the creek of humanity and civility.

    Ah ha, if you don't care a damn for them then maybe there is no need to even read their posts , let alone replying to them . Allowing yourself to become angry enough by what they say is just not a wise thing to do , especially in your position now .

    You have every right in the world to speak your mind , to try to display and withhold a high standard for the Vietnamese people as a whole , that is a good thing to do and I will defend that right to death here in my position as a moderator for the forum . But even so , I must point out to you respectfully that by you calling them names and telling them that they are dumb , that they are of low class will NOT help achieving your goal of making them behaving better . Neither will it help them absorb what you say deeply enough to rethink their policies in life .

    You have extensive training in psychiatry and psychology , surely you must know the art of speaking to people in such a way that will make them think AND change for the better. True leaders inspire people to become better . True leaders don't attack people whom they consider to be not of the same caliber .

    For people to understand you , therefore supporting your good cause , you must first try to understand those people . Sometimes you may even have to get down to their levels to see where they are coming from , before being able to raise them to higher ground . Condemning people never make them any better , history the world over has proven that again and again , in every culture , not just Vietnamese .

    A little bit more compassion and tolerance for the people around , is all I ask of you . Do you think you can do so ? please ?

  8. #128
    Member Dr_Tran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoài An View Post
    Ah ha, if you don't care a damn for them then maybe there is no need to even read their posts , let alone replying to them . Allowing yourself to become angry enough by what they say is just not a wise thing to do , especially in your position now .

    You have every right in the world to speak your mind , to try to display and withhold a high standard for the Vietnamese people as a whole , that is a good thing to do and I will defend that right to death here in my position as a moderator for the forum . But even so , I must point out to you respectfully that by you calling them names and telling them that they are dumb , that they are of low class will NOT help achieving your goal of making them behaving better . Neither will it help them absorb what you say deeply enough to rethink their policies in life .

    You have extensive training in psychiatry and psychology , surely you must know the art of speaking to people in such a way that will make them think AND change for the better. True leaders inspire people to become better . True leaders don't attack people whom they consider to be not of the same caliber .

    For people to understand you , therefore supporting your good cause , you must first try to understand those people . Sometimes you may even have to get down to their levels to see where they are coming from , before being able to raise them to higher ground . Condemning people never make them any better , history the world over has proven that again and again , in every culture , not just Vietnamese .

    A little bit more compassion and tolerance for the people around , is all I ask of you . Do you think you can do so ? please ?
    Dear HA, it is my intention to crush them, in order to hold high the standards I intend to bring about to Vietnamese politics now and in the future.

    People talk and complain all the time about Vietnamese dirty actions, prostitutions, selling dignity, drugs, etc.

    But don't they realize that, those things happen because we condone low-class thinking, ideologies, politicians, community leaders, opposition writers?

    I as someone from the higher upper class in VN social structure and politics wants to bring something of much higher standards to VN.

    I do not condone any actions, people, that are low class.

    They MUST learn to improve, or be condemned, be left behind.

    If you say that is wrong, too bad, because I know you are one of them and worse than that you have no intention to climb out of that creek of humanity and civility.

  9. #129
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    Alright , I think I understand you and your approach in life a little better now . Let me rephrase and see I get what it is that you mean . Please correct me where I am wrong . I just want to understand you better .

    You have the idealogy that Vietnamese people as a whole , both local and overseas , must raise themselves ( by their own efforts , regardless of where they might be right now in life ) to the highest of standards as modeled by you , without any understanding , any support , any compassion , any assistance from anyone , especially foreign , regardless of circumstance ?

    You do not believe at all in the goodness of people , in the globalisation of charity , in the willingness of people who help without any repercussion ?

    Do you truly believe that Vietnamese people today , after so many years getting brain washed and damaged by stupid Communist policies have the ability to make the giant leap from the lowest possiblle standard imaginable to the highest standard upheld by you , without some form of outside assistance ?

    What do you plan to do with people who are unable to make the leap and fall through the crack ? Will you crush them , condemn them and abandon them all the same ? And would you then go ahead and treat those who show compassion for those unfortunate people in the same way ?

    Are you aware of what standards are people in Vietnam living by these days ? How do you proceed to make them improve to higher ones ?

    I am not saying at all that you are wrong , you are right with your belief that Vietnamese people must try to better themselves , I just want to know how you plan to help them to do that besides calling them names and condemining them , that's all .

  10. #130
    Member Ba Búa's Avatar
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    Rất hưũ lư

    Hoài AN wrote:
    ......You have extensive training in psychiatry and psychology , surely you must know the art of speaking to people in such a way that will make them think AND change for the better. True leaders inspire people to become better . True leaders don't attack people whom they consider to be not of the same caliber .

    For people to understand you , therefore supporting your good cause , you must first try to understand those people . Sometimes you may even have to get down to their levels to see where they are coming from , before being able to raise them to higher ground . Condemning people never make them any better , history the world over has proven that again and again , in every culture , not just Vietnamese .

    A little bit more compassion and tolerance for the people around , is all I ask of you . Do you think you can do so ? please ?
    Tôi thấy HA phân tích và nói ra những điều rất có lư , có t́nh ...cũng như có nhận xét trung thực và nói thẳng để trả lời Anh Ng K Hưng về ông Trần . Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ư với những lời trên ;và mong ai cũng để ít ra một giây phút suy nghĩ những lời đó th́ hay biết mấy .!

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