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Thread: Trại tù binh giam lính chống cộng tại Đông Miên, Hạ lào

  1. #11
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    Cựu tù binh Hoa Kỳ dựng lại cảnh bị Việt cộng đánh đập khi bị nhốt trong chuồng cọp

    Scott as a POW in a NVA tiger cage!

    Scott Bastard poked with a stick by his VC captor


  2. #12
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    Tù binh chống cộng trong các chuồng cọp

    Caption:Tom Ryan. An air force Veteran who serve in Vietnam, Dressed as a POW.Friday September 16, 2011 at his POW/MIA display at Riverside Park in New Smyrna Beach on POM MIA nation recognition day .(DAVID TUCKER)
    Album ID:1323748 Photo ID:37780177


    Caption: George Schramm and Doc Abner both Veitnam vets look inside a tiger cage at some mannequins dressed as captured airmen, Friday September 16, 2011 at a POW / MIA display at Riverside Park in New Smyrna Beach on POW MIA national recognition day. ( DAVID TUCKER )
    Album ID: 1323748 Photo ID: 37780183


  3. #13
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    Tù binh chống cộng bị giam giữ dưới hầm tối

    Barely visible in the center, a prone trooper (with boots toward the camera)
    inspects the underground POW pit under the POW hooch. Another trooper
    stands by to assist him, under the watchful eye of Ranger 6, MAJ Richard W.
    Drisko. A bed, probably for a VC night guard, is in the left rear of the photo.
    From the Bob Bennett Collection


  4. #14
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    Chuồng cọp tại Côn Sơn Phú Quốc khác với chuồng cọp tại Đông Miên Hạ Lào ở chổ nào ?

    Chuồng cọp bằng kẽm gai nhốt tù binh Việt cộng tại Côn Sơn Phú Quốc khác với chuồng cọp bằng tre nhốt tù binh chống cộng tại Đông Miên Hạ Lào ở chổ nào ?

    Chuồng cọp bằng kẽm gai tại Côn sơn Phú quốc chỉ dùng để nhốt loại tù binh Việt cộng vô kỷ luật, tính chuyện chống đối

    Chuồng cọp bằng tre tại rừng rậm Đông Miên Hạ lào dùng để nhốt tất cả các tù binh chống cộng

    Trong các khu rừng rậm dùng làm trại tù giam giữ lính chống cộng, ḥan ṭan không hề có những căn nhà có chổ nằm đàng hoàng dành cho tù binh như h́nh dưới dây tại trại giam tù binh Việt cộng tại Phú quốc

    Lực lượng QC đang kiểm tra dăy nhà nơi tù nhân sắp chuyển vô

    Last edited by Nhân Dân Tự Vệ; 23-09-2012 at 05:55 AM.

  5. #15
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    Việt cộng có hành hạ tù binh chống cộng không ?

    Hăy xem một mô h́nh mô tả cảnh bọn Việt cộng hành hạ tù binh chống cộng do các cựu tù binh Mỹ thiết lập tại bảo tàng viện tù binh chiến tranh VN

    Don’t Forget Us, the POWs
    — Don’t Forget Us, the POWs is a very special scene, because I made it after I received an anonymous phone call at home after some of my stuff was shown on a local television program, shortly after I got started. Some vet in our area called me to say I was not talking about POWs or MIAs and went on for an hour and a half to describe some of his experiences. Being a prisoner of war is no picnic. You’re tortured daily, you’re beaten daily. They drag you through a village, from village to village, and try to break your morale, try to go against what you believe in, try to show you that you are wrong, killing kids and women, things like that. As the survivors of a Viet Cong ambush, these two men were subjected to inhuman treatment. They were beaten, stripped naked, and paraded through the streets of North Vietnam. The idea was to strip the soldier of his morale, leaving him with guilt. This treatment either strengthened him or broke him. Vets experience great psychological anguish when attempting to describe such experiences because we feel deeply for each other.


  6. #16
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    Cựu tù binh Hoa Kỳ dựng lại cảnh bị nhốt trong chuồng cọp với lính canh việt cộng

    Philip Jones Griffiths
    USA. Long Island, New York. A Memorial Day Parade attended by Viet Nam Veterans who put on a show for the locals, including the inevitable "Tiger Cage" with a captive POW, this time guarded by two youths dressed as North Vietnamese soldiers.
    Image Reference
    © Philip Jones Griffiths/Magnum Photos


  7. #17
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    Việt cộng có hành hạ tù binh chống cộng không ?

    Việt Công rêu rao về vấn đề phe chống cộng hành hạ tù binh việt cộng tại các trại tù Côn Sơn & Phú quốc
    C̣n trong các trại tù binh tại đông Miên và hạ Lào bọn Việt Cộng đă đối xử với tù binh chống cộng như thế nào ?
    Hăy xem bức h́nh dưới đây do cựu tù binh Hoa Kỳ lập lại trong bảo tàng viện tù binh chiến tranh Việt Nam. Một cái chuồng cọp làm bằng tre để nhốt tù binh chống cộng tại vùng đông Miên & hạ Lào mà phía dưới c̣ rải miểng thủy tinh bị bể vụn- tất nhiên người tù binh chống cộng bị xích bởi một sợi xích vào thân cây cạnh chuồng cọp

    Vietnam War POW Torture Exhibit
    Last edited by Nhân Dân Tự Vệ; 27-09-2012 at 12:20 AM.

  8. #18
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    Những h́nh ảnh tù binh Mỹ được tra tấn được cựu tù binh Mỹ vẽ lại .

    Navy Capt. John McGrath shared these sketches at the POW symposium May 18 at Luke Air Force Base. McGrath was held captive for 2,075 days after his jet was shot down by anti-aircraft fire on June 20, 1967. These drawings depict what everyday life was like for him at the Hanoi Hilton, a POW camp in North Vietnam. (courtesy photo)

    Navy Capt. John McGrath shared these sketches at the POW symposium May 18 at Luke Air Force Base. McGrath was held captive for 2,075 days after his jet was shot down by anti-aircraft fire on June 20, 1967. These drawings depict what everyday life was like for him at the Hanoi Hilton, a POW camp in North Vietnam. (courtesy photo)

    Navy Capt. John McGrath shared these sketches at the POW symposium May 18 at Luke Air Force Base. McGrath was held captive for 2,075 days after his jet was shot down by anti-aircraft fire on June 20, 1967. These drawings depict what everyday life was like for him at the Hanoi Hilton, a POW camp in North Vietnam. (courtesy photo)


  9. #19
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    H́nh vẽ lại cảnh thượng nghĩ sĩ John McCain đang bị nhốt trong chuồng cọp và bị hành hạ trong 5 1/2 năm

  10. #20
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    Một kiểu tra tấn tù binh chống cộng


    Learning the Ropes at the Hanoi Hilton

    Drawing copyright © 1975 by the United States Naval Institute, Annapolis, Maryland

    By Henry Mark Holzer m(

    The Obama campaign has recently ridiculed John McCain for his supposed unfamiliarity with computers, and his alleged inability to type. Whatever the truth of this not-so-thinly veiled attempt to portray the Republican candidate as a fossil out of touch with the contemporary scene, the Democrats have yet again denigrated McCain’s (and other POWs') suffering in Hanoi, which was the cause of most of the Senator’s physical ailments.

    Much of that suffering was caused by a torture treatment called “the ropes.” It is pictured below.

    As Erika Holzer and I wrote in our book “Aid and Comfort”: Jane Fonda in North Vietnam: “Perhaps the worst torture the North Vietnamese inflicted was “the ropes.”

    One POW, Larry Guarino, described it this way:

    "Let me try to tell you what it really feels like when they tightly bind your wrists and elbows behind your back with nylon straps – then take the strap and pull the arms up, up your back, to the back of your head. * * * Well, imagine this with both arms tied tight together – elbow to elbow, wrist to wrist – and then, using the leverage of his feet planted between your shoulder blades, with both hands, he pulls with all his might, ‘til your arms are up and back over your head down between your feet, where your legs are between iron bars. The pain is literally beyond description. . .

    Besides the pain itself, you are tied up so tight that your windpipe becomes pinched and you breathe in gasps. You’re trying to gulp in air, because your wind passage is being shrunken. Your throat, in a matter of 30 seconds, becomes completely dry. . . .

    After about 10 or 15 minutes in this position, tied up so tightly, your nerves in your arms are pinched off, and then your whole upper torso becomes numb. It’s a relief. You feel no more pain. . . . The breathing is still difficult, but the pain is gone. You’ve been anesthetized. However, when they release the ropes, the procedure works completely in reverse. It’s almost like double jeopardy. You go through the same pain coming off the ropes as you did going in."

    And so in the freedom and security of hotel penthouse suites the effete Obama camp sips their lattes and nibbles on their stilton, ridiculing McCain, Guarino and their fellow POWs because they don’t know how to use computers and can’t type.

    Well, maybe they can’t. And maybe, just maybe, it’s because at the Hanoi Hilton they were busy learning something else: the ropes.

    Posted by Wild Thing at September 19, 2008 04:50 AM

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