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Thread: Bộ đội cụ Hồ bị xích chân vô súng máy (Viet Cong chained to machine guns)

  1. #201
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    Một phản hồi của bạn đọc cuốn: " Kontum: The Battle to Save South Vietnam "

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    Ronald Kallinger has commented on (1) product.

    Kontum: The Battle to Save South Vietnam (Battles and Campaigns) by Thomas P Mckenna
    Ronald Kallinger, September 20, 2011

    In Kontum: The Battle to Save South Vietnam, LTC Thomas P. McKenna (RET) has written an outstanding account of one of the major battles of the Vietnam war. He was an US advisor to the South Vietnamese Army (ARVN) and was able to give a first person account much of the time and ultimately sufferered a severe chest wound. I never served in the military. As a civilian in 1972 I held many of the of the common prejudices of the time, mainly that the ARVN was incompetent and corrupt and that the North Vietnamese army (NVA) was a much better motivated fighting force. Relying on source documents and eyewitness acounts, Thomas McKenna gives a complete account of what really took place. He writes movingly of the hardships suffered by the ARVN and how with proper leadership and supplies they could more than hold their own. Government corruption and military incompetence is not overlooked as a prime factor in the ultimate defeat of the ARVN. He clearly explains the strengths and weaknesses of the NVA as well. Particularly chilling is an account of finding NVA tank drivers chained to their seats so they wouldn't be tempted to escape during a battle. Part of the story involves American airpower along with the development of then new technology, such as the TOW missle. McKenna includes a glossary of abbreviations and military jargon so that the non military reader can have a much better sense of what was going on. (TOW, for example, stands for tube launched, optically tracked, wire guided and was used to wipe out large soviet built tanks.) Kudos to Thomas P. McKenna for helping us understand the Battle for Kontum, and by extension the later stages of the Vietnam War.
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  2. #202
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    Young V.C. chained to trunks of trees firing machine guns

    Bây giờ th́ xin mời qúy vị đọc một chia sẻ của một cựu chiến binh Hoa Kỳ về chiến tranh VN trong một Forum "I wonder" ( ai biết th́ giải thích cho người khác hiểu )

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    Forum : I wonder
    Thread:Prostitution on nabble
    Page 2
    Member:SmartShark195 8
    Sep 25, 2010; 1:46pm

    You`re right Peterws,there was no effective government,we knew that everything was crooked,and it was so far out of hand that there was nothing that our government could do about it,that`s why we were all frustrated,we could have won that war,we never lost a battle,(look that up and you`ll see that I`m right), but we couldn`t stop the influx of the N.V.A.,and the V.C from getting arms,and recruits,even if they were forced to join.we had 58,000 dead,250,000 wounded,many hundreds M.I.A.,while they suffered over a 1,000,000 dead,life meant nothing to them. We found young V.C. chained to trunks of trees firing machine guns,and were killed when they ran out of ammo,while the main force retreated to come back later and cause us more mayhem. I`d like to write a book about it someday,the N.V.A.,and the V.C. were the cruelist people I ever saw.

  3. #203
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    The carde had chained one men to the 0.50 caliber machine gun .

    Sách : The Green Berets and their victories
    By:Joseph Patrick Meissner


    Page: 193

    Trích đoạn:

    " We even had one report that the carde had chained one men to the 0.50 caliber machine gun .This supposedly makes a man fight better since he realizes he has nowhere to go . But it doesn't help the morale of the VC troops."

    Tạm dịch:

    Thậm chí chúng tôi c̣n nhận được một báo cáo rằng cán bộ (CS) đă xích chân một người lính vào khẩu súng máy 12.7 ly.Để khiến cho ngưới lính phải chiến đấu tốt hơn khi đă nhận ra không c̣n đường để chạy. Nhưng nó không hề làm quân Việt cộng lên tinh thần

  4. #204
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    A .30 caliber machine gun with some VC chained to it

    C̣n đoạn này mô tả vài bộ đội Việt cộng có nhiệm vụ canh gác các pḥng chứa vũ khí và đồ tiếp tế bị xích chân vào súng

    Sách : The Green Berets and their victories
    By:Joseph Patrick Meissner



    Trích đoạn:

    By 23 March the Mike force troops had progressed to within three hundred meters of the final enemy stronghold." We sent one Montagnard soldier foward under the rock," recalled one Beret Sergeant ." He came back and said he had seen an enemy supply room, three weapon rooms, and a .30 caliber machine gun with some VC chained to it

    Tạm dịch:

    Vào ngày 23 tháng ba lực lượng Dân sự chiến đấu đă tiến tới trước trong khỏang 300 mét từ thành lũy cuối cùng của địch quân. Chúng tôi cho một anh lính thượng tiến tới trước phía phía dưới tảng đá, viên Trung sĩ Mũ xanh nhớ lại ." anh lính trở lại và nói anh ta đă nh́n thấy một pḥng chưá đồ tiếp tế, ba pḥng chứa vũ khí và vài Việt cộng bị xích vào một khầu súng máy 7.62 ly

  5. #205
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    what kind of "people's army" has to chain its truck drivers to the steering wheel of their trucks?

    Bây giờ th́ mời qúy vị đọc một bài chia sẻ của một Member cựu chiến binh Hoa Kỳ về sự hiểu biết thật sự của anh về " tinh thần chiến đấu" của bộ đội cộng sản Bắc Việt Nam trong chiến tranh VN mà anh ta tham dự trước kia nhằm mục đích trả lời cho một thành viên khác ca ngợi tinh thần chiến đấu của bộ đội cộng sản Bắc VN .
    Bài viết trong một forum của Hoa Kỳ:"This is a discussion on Vietnam War: Top secret US papers published within the History forums"


    Forum:US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
    Thread:Vietnam War: Top secret US papers published
    Member:The Gadfly
    Post reply:06-17-2011, 03:18 PM

    Trích đoạn:

    While, you are at it, what kind of "people's army" has to chain its truck drivers to the steering wheel of their trucks? (That's what the NVA did to their own truck drivers on the Ho Chi Trail, or didn't you know that?). Know why they did that, Jose? Because their morale was shot, and we were kicking NVA ass, that is why. We beat them on the battlefield; the lying reporters and dupes like you notwithstanding. One more "victory" like Tet, and the VC and the NVA would have ceased to be militarily effective (that is generally what happens, when your major operations have a 65% plus casualty rate!).

  6. #206
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    Enemy tank commanders have come into An Loc with their crews chained in place.

    Báo:Pacific Stars and Stripes
    Saturday, April 29, 1972
    Bài viết:The Big Battle For Little An Loc
    Tác giả:Joseph Alsop

    Trích đoạn:

    Yet there are lessons to be learned from this prolonged bloodshed at An Loc. To begin with, the sheer scale of the enemy effort has been impressive. Large parts of three enemy divisions, the 9th, the 7th and the 5th, have been engaged. A tank regiment has been about used up, too -and a tank regiment, incidentally, of a fairly curious character, for some of the enemy tank commanders have come into An Loc with their crews chained in place.

    ("The Big Battle for Little An Loc", by Joseph Alsop published in the Pacific Stars and Stripes on Saturday, April 29, 1972 and reprinted from European and Pacific Stars and Stripes, a Department of Defense publication copyright, 2002 European and Pacific Stars and Strips.)

  7. #207
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    The North Vietnamese tank crews literally chained into their tanks.

    Pro-life movement :Rightwingsparkle
    Tuesday, July 05, 2005
    Thread:A Plethora of Linkage
    Tiết mục:Real Lesson of Vietnam

    Trích đoạn:

    The reason the commies won in Vietnam is because of our failure of will. The USSR and supplied the North and we didn't supply the South. The North Vietnamese Army, replete with materiel they didn't have to manufacture themselves and tank crews literally chained into their tanks, invaded. America's shame is letting down our ally, eternally besmirching our honor.

  8. #208
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    The individual (North Vietnamese) had been literally chained to a tree

    Web: U.S. Army Medical Department
    Army Medical Department Regiment

    Bài viết:Oral History Interview with CPT Alfred V. Rascon

    Trích đoạn:

    Around them, literally surrounding them, is a North Vietnamese reinforced regiment. At six o'clock in the morning, or a few minutes before that, the 2nd 503rd was going to go out on probing patrols, and they were going to send out probably three quarters of their element to go out and search. Well, and five percent of the North Vietnamese that didn't get the word like a good GI, there was a helicopter that was about to land, and the helicopter landed and this individual prematurely opened up with a 52 caliber on the helicopter, shot it down. And later on they found the individual had been literally chained to a tree. Had not that person shot down that helicopter

  9. #209
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    North Vietnamese are chaining tank drivers to their seats.


    Web: United States Department of State
    Office of the Historian

    Bài :Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976
    Volume VIII, Vietnam, January–October 1972, Document 82


    82. Minutes of a Washington Special Actions Group Meeting11.
    Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, NSC Institutional Files (H-Files), Box H–116, Washington Special Actions Group, WSAG Minutes (Originals) 1–3–72 to 7–24–72. Top Secret; Sensitive. The meeting took place in the White House Situation Room. All brackets, except those that indicate the omission of text, are in the original. Portions of the minutes are printed in Foreign Relations, 1969–1976, volume XIV, Soviet Union, October 1971–May 1972, Document 118.

    Washington, April 17, 1972, 11:05–11:48 a.m.

    Henry A. Kissinger
    U Alexis Johnson
    William Sullivan
    Kenneth Rush
    Armistead Selden
    R/Adm. William Flanagan
    Adm. Thomas Moorer
    Richard Helms
    George Carver
    William Newton (only for Mr. Helms’ briefing)
    Richard Kennedy
    Mark Wandler

    Trích đoạn:

    Adm. Moorer: Our air activity around Long Tieng has played a significant role. We’ve dropped thousands of tons of bombs, and I’m sure the five regiments out there have suffered heavy casualties.

    Mr. Sullivan: They don’t have much room to hide on the Skyline Ridge.

    Mr. Kissinger: I am amazed that their morale has held up. It must be a harrowing experience to be caught in a B–52 attack.

    Mr. Helms: There was a report [less than 1 line not declassified] that the North Vietnamese are chaining tank drivers to their seats.

    Mr. Kissinger: Is that true?

    Mr. Helms: It may be.

    Adm. Moorer: I don’t know how true it is.

    Mr. Kissinger: We had reports last year that they were getting drunk on rice wine in order to get up for battle. I thought we might get a comparative report between that and the Marines who were high on marijuana. (to Mr. Carver) You don’t think, then, that the increased Soviet aid shipments and the launching of the North Vietnamese offensive were part of an orchestrated plot?

    Mr. Carver: No, I don’t.

  10. #210
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    During the war, north soldiers were at times found chained to their machine guns

    Bây giờ xin mời qúy vị đọc một ư kiến chia sẻ của môt cựu chiến binh Hoa Kỳ nhận xét về quân đội cộng sản VN trong chiến tranh VN mà trước kia anh ta đă tham dự trong một forum về chiến tranh VN

    Thread:Vietnam War The Battle for Vietnam
    Opinions: Hồ Chí Minh
    Real Name: Don
    Join Date: Oct 2006
    Location: Vancouver, Canada
    Posts: 4,211
    Reply# 356

    Trích Đoạn:

    That is ridiculous to say G.W.B. is anything like Hitler. While I still questions some decisions of his, it would be rather silly to take such a stand.

    What you fail to understand fully is that we were a part of the Vietnam War. We were on the front lines and seen the full effects of the Northern invasion. No school teachers, religious people, old women and young children were targeted by us while the North did so for no other reason than to strike fear. To systematically target ones like this is genocide. Were we perfect? No!! But we did try to win their hearts and minds. Yes, we uprooted many and burned villages when it was found that they were supporting the enemy, but those under US care, were not killed just because. Were some innocent ones killed. Yes - it happens in war, no different than in WWII bombing runs. Most US soldiers were 18, 19 or 20 year olds, not filled with hate but rather scared $hitless. Many were farm boys. We tried to set up clinics to care for the weak, the old the sick, not harm them. I have a friend who was a medic and he delivered three babies while over there. If we were hell bent on wiping out the North, we could have done so very easily. More men, supplies and so forth could have been devoted to the fight. Our whole style of fighting, when you examine it was about seeking the enemy and destroying them, not occupying land. If our goals were different, then the manner in which we fought, the numbers of troops in country would have gone way up and we could have paved North Vietnam. We didn't.
    I am an old man now. I hope one day that Vietnam will allow true free voting. I hope their country can continue to build itself up, but I have no love of the communistic form of government.
    During the war, north soldiers were at times found chained to their machine guns - that's forcing the issue.
    I just one day may sit down with you - never know what will happen.[IMG]http://www.armchairgeneral. com/forums/images/smilies/salute.gif[/IMG]

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