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Thread: Thị Trường GOLD

  1. #371
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Tran View Post
    Traders đang QUÁ sợ hăi, Fear Index VIX có lúc lên trên 15% (nay 13%), người ta BÁN vàng thay v́ MUA khi chỉ hơi hơi lo sợ.

    Hy vọng trưa chiều nay ổn định tâm lư lại 1 chút, rồi lên lại.

    Tôi mua vào lúc 1525. Đang lỗ 5 USD.
    Cơ hội lớn cho những kẻ cơ hội. No gut no glory. Vốn nhiều bắt đáy này hụt bắt đáy khác. Dù ǵ đi nữa th́ từ cao điểm 1555 ngày hôm qua xuống 1515 chỉ trong vài giờ th́ quả là lợi hại.

  2. #372


    Đây nè:
    American Petroleum Institute president Jack Gerard said Thursday that the release of massive quantities of crude from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve skirts the critical issue of fostering domestic oil production.

    Looks like back doors a re still open...

  3. #373
    Join Date

    Food for thought

    Nhận qua email. C ác cao thủ nào chưa xem th́ xem, không bổ bề ngang th́ cũng bổ bề dọc. Chi tiết về anh chàng Jessy Livermore thật thú vị, à quên, thật buồn chứ, lần đầu nghe tới. Dr Tran học về tài chánh chắc có biết chuyện này?

    ____________________ ____________________ ________________

    The Top 3 Reasons Why Traders LOSE Money
    By Evaldo Albuquerque, Editor, Exotic FX Alert

    Dear Sovereign Investor,

    When the stock market crashed in 1929, not every investor lost money. In fact, one trader made $100 million trading stocks. That would be about $1 billion today.

    His name was Jesse Livermore.

    Did Jesse retire on the beach and live happily ever after? Nope. He filed for bankruptcy five years later.

    And a few years after that, he blew his brains out in a hotel bathroom.

    Jesse’s story is a good (albeit extreme) example of how our own emotions can become our worst enemy in trading. After making his fortune, he became reckless in the markets and lost everything.

    Today, the lack of emotional control remains the main reason why traders make so many costly mistakes.

    So let’s take a look at the three key mistakes that traders make... and how you can avoid them.


    Mistake # 1: Jumping in with Both Feet
    Would you perform a surgery, or fly a plane loaded with passengers without any previous training? Of course not. That would be insane.

    But when it comes to trading the markets, that’s exactly what a lot of people do. They jump right in, without any kind of guidance or plan because they feel confident they can beat the market.

    But making money trading the markets is not easy. If it was, you could just quit your day job, buy a little condo on some tropical island and never look back.

    Now is it possible to reach that point? Sure. But it’s not going to happen overnight.

    So before you start trading, you need to make sure you have a plan.

    After learning the basics of the market, you should start out with a paper trade account to try out a specific trading strategy. Then you can move on to real money trades, risking a small percentage of your portfolio.

    There’s an African proverb that says “only a fool tests the depth of the water with both feet.” When trading the markets, it’s always a good idea to tiptoe before getting into the water.

    Mistake # 2: Eating Like a Sparrow, but
    Defecating like an Elephant
    Back in the 1960s, a pair of Canadian psychologists made an unusual discovery.

    They determined that after placing a bet at the racetrack, people feel much more confident about their chances of winning than they did prior to making the bet.

    That’s just the way our brains are wired. Once we make a choice, we tend to find ways to justify our earlier decisions.

    This instinctive response can be dangerous in the market.

    If a trade starts to move against may find many reasons to “hold on,” hoping it will turn around.

    And vice versa. If you get into a trade and it soars higher, you may take profits too early. Or even worse, you may hold out so long that your winner turns into a loser.

    End result: you either wind up eating like a sparrow, where you nervously close out small gains. Or you defecate like an elephant - holding onto losers until they swamp any gains you made.

    One way to protect you capital is to always use stop losses. And always know - before you get into a trade - where you plan to take profits.

    Mistake #3: Focusing on Making a Million Dollars
    The 1980′s movie Wall Street coined the term "greed is good." But things are different in real life.

    If you only focus on making money when trading the markets, it’s very likely you will lose it all. When greed takes over, traders make huge mistakes, such as betting all in one single trade or not using any stop losses.

    Before placing a trade, you should always ask yourself “how much will I lose if this trade goes wrong?”

    But many traders have no clue how much capital they’re risking on any single trade.

    That’s a mistake.

    All the most successful traders focus on limiting risk and protecting capital, rather than just making money. By limiting their downside, they successfully grow their account over time.

    You can easily copy their strategy.

    As I mentioned before, start by always using a stop-loss. That will protect you from losing too much.

    But equally important: you should also limit the amount you risk on every single trade. I recommend risking no more than 5% of your account on any trade.

    As you can see, letting emotions get in the way of your trading is not a good idea.

    If you’re making any of the mistakes mentioned above, it’s only a matter of time before your account will blow up. Most traders learn this the hard way.

    But if you avoid these three key pitfalls, you will not only save money, but also become a better trader: one step closer to complete financial independence.

    Best Regards,

    Evaldo Albuquerque
    Editor, Exotic FX Alert
    Last edited by BVĐ; 24-06-2011 at 02:07 AM.

  4. #374
    Join Date
    GOLD crash ghê quá,,,

    London đóng cửa rồi mà chưa thấy GOLD lên lại... khá nguy hiểm....

  5. #375

    $1510 THỦNG.

    Quote Originally Posted by GPD. View Post
    Đây nè:
    American Petroleum Institute president Jack Gerard said Thursday that the release of massive quantities of crude from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve skirts the critical issue of fostering domestic oil production.

    Looks like back doors a re still open...
    Sửa soạn bắn phá $1500; Silver $34.00. May be able to revisit the lows or lower. Need a solid base for up side.

  6. #376
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    Chuyện gi làm cho vàng bạc bị dập te tua thế nhỉ? Cơ hội mua vào giá này thế nào? Any genius?

  7. #377
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    Wow, thủng 1500 rồi.

  8. #378


    Quote Originally Posted by BVĐ View Post
    Wow, thủng 1500 rồi.
    Surprised? I guess not.
    My call for $1440/G & $28/S from 05/12/2011 are still in my project.

    BTW, I am not an expert/ginie, Only a Pt trader. Do your own cal.

  9. #379
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by GPD. View Post
    Surprised? I guess not.
    My call for $1440/G & $28/S from 05/12/2011 are still in my project.

    BTW, I am not an expert/ginie, Only a Pt trader. Do your own cal.
    You based your call on some thing or just a feeling call? Somewhere on the net some guy said there'd be a big correction for gold this summer before it shoots up big time. He didnt offer any reason though. Somewhere sometime I read. But there had to be a reason for a big drop from yesterday. What was it. Ill better get my bumps off the internet and watch tv.

  10. #380
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    vàng nó lên xuống dập dềnh

    Ôi giời ơi, vàng nó lên xuống dập dềnh thế lày, dân chơi chết chắc ... long th́ may ra, short là chít tươi :p

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