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Thread: Cấm vận Kinh tế Việt Cộng!

  1. #1
    Member Dr_Tran's Avatar
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    Northeast US

    Cấm vận Kinh tế Việt Cộng!

    Phải cấm vận thế này, VC mới sợ:

    "..."Giá cả ngày càng tăng. Cuộc sống giờ đắt đỏ lắm. Mỗi tháng tôi chỉ mua thịt một lần trong khi trước kia là hai lần một tuần. Đôi lúc tôi chỉ muốn chết quách đi. Thật quá tuyệt vọng! Tiền kiếm được chẳng đủ để nuôi con", anh Sharafi bi quan.

    T́nh h́nh lương thực khó khăn tới mức để giải quyết nhu cầu lương thực cho 74 triệu dân trước lệnh cấm vận, Iran thâm chí phải dùng vàng thỏi và dầu để đổi lấy lương thực. Trên thực tế, lệnh trừng phạt mới của Mỹ và phương Tây đối với Iran không cấm các công ty bán lương thực cho quốc gia hồi giáo này, song khó khăn xuất hiện khi thực hiện các giao dịch tài chính quốc tế cần thiết để thanh toán các đơn hàng bằng USD hoặc Euro.

    "Đơn hàng mua ngũ cốc đang được trả tiền bằng vàng thỏi hoặc giao dịch theo kiểu hàng đổi hàng", một nhà buôn ngũ cốc Châu Âu cho biết. Các lô hàng ngũ cốc rất lớn, v́ vậy việc thanh toán bằng vàng là lựa chọn nhanh nhất...

    ...Không chỉ có thị, dầu, sữa khan hiếm, rau quả cũng tăng giá chóng mặt. Chủ một cửa hàng rau quả ở phía Bắc Thủ đô Tehran cho biết: "Mấy tháng nay giá các mặt hàng ngoại nhập tăng 20-50%". Thiết bị điện tử như máy tính, điện thoại di động, tivi và tủ lạnh cũng hoà vào cuộc đua băo giá khi tăng tới hơn 50%.

    Điều trớ trêu với đất nước xuất khẩu dầu mỏ thuộc hàng đầu thế giới là nguồn cung ứng xăng đang cũng đang trở thành một vấn đề nan giải. Do thiếu đầu tư vào hệ thống lọc dầu, nên mặc dù có trữ lượng dầu mỏ thứ 3 thế giới, Iran vẫn phải nhập khẩu 1/3 lượng nhiên liệu tiêu thụ.

    Là nhà cung cấp 50% nhiên liệu cho Iran, công ty Tupras có trụ sở ở Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ đă đ́nh chỉ các hoạt động ở Iran từ cuối tháng 8/2010, sau đó là các công ty như Vitol và Glencore (Thụy Sĩ), Reliance (Ấn Độ) và Lukoil (Nga). Iran giờ đây phải dựa vào các nguồn cung cấp nhiên liệu ở Turkmenistan, Trung Quốc, Venezuela và thậm chí là giới buôn lậu ở Iraq."

  2. #2
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    Muốn có tŕnh độ cấm vận Quốc tế như Iran ,th́ phải làm phật ḷng quốc tế về một vấn đề nào đó như trường hợp Iran về vấn đề khg cho QT vàokiểm soát Công nghiệp nguyên tử năng ngoài ra c̣n có motto :Death to America, Death to Israel ..vv

    BQVC hiện nay chẳng những khg làm phật ḷng QT với ngoai giao "đu dây" , "vuốt ve" lại chưa dám dậy dân trở về thời kỳ già hồ hú la : Death to America

    Th́ thử hỏi làm sao QT đành ḷng đi tới cấm vận BQVC như Iran đây ?

  3. #3
    Member Dr_Tran's Avatar
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    Chào các bạn, tôi viết Dự thảo LUẬT CẤM VẬN KINH TẾ CỘNG H̉A XĂ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM để các bạn tham khảo.

    Mỹ mà thông qua luật này th́ KT Việt Cộng chết chắc trong ṿng 3 tháng. Chỉ cần đưa ra Quốc hội Mỹ bàn thảo, chưa thông qua th́ VC cũng đủ chết KT, v́ ngoại quốc sợ hăi sẽ rút hết tiền ra khỏi VN TRƯỚC khi luật thông qua.

    Toàn quốc VN sẽ loạn, dân ùn ùn chạy ra ngân hàng rút tiền, vàng, đô la. Mọi toan tính đầu tư bị băi bỏ. Dân chúng mua gom gạo, nhu yếu phẩm, đẩy giá hàng tăng cao vọt, như hồi 1986 là 800% tức gấp 8 lần trong năm.

    VC sẽ không thể ngăn cản công an, bộ đội bỏ nhiệm sở chạy về lo cho gia đ́nh. VC mất kiểm soát kinh tế, an ninh, từ đó sẽ mất kiểm soát chính trị.


    Tôi ghi ra trước để các bạn tham khảo, và gởi đi cho nhiều người khác.

    Bản này tới tay VC th́ họ sẽ run sợ, hoảng loạn ngay.



    This title may be cited as the "Vietnam Democracy Act of 2012".


    The Congress makes the following findings:

    1. The de facto, illegitimate government of Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV) has demonstrated consistent disregard for internationally accepted standards of human rights and for democratic values. It restricts the Vietnamese people's exercise of freedom of speech, press, assembly, and other rights recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10, 1948. It has refused to admit into Vietnam the representative of the United Nations Human Rights Commission appointed to investigate human rights violations in Vietnam.

    2. The Vietnamese people have demonstrated their yearning for freedom and their increasing opposition to the de facto, illegitimate Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) government by risking their lives in organizing independent, democratic activities in Vietnam by undertaking hazardous flights for freedom to the United States and other countries.

    3. There is no sign that the de facto, illegitimate CPV regime is prepared to make any significant concessions to democracy or to undertake any form of democratic opening. Efforts to suppress dissent through intimidation, imprisonment, and exile have accelerated since the political changes that occurred in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, especially after the United States removed SRV out of the Countries of Particular Concern list in 2006.

    4. Events in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe dramatically reduced SRV’s external support, but since the late 1980s SRV has strengthened ideological and economic ties with People’s Republic of China and now is an extended arm of PRC to insinuate communist doctrines all over the South East Asia region. Many affected countries are close allies with the United States.

    5. The fall of communism in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the now universal recognition from all corners of the world that SRV provides a failed model of government and development, and the evident inability of SRV’s economy to survive current trends, provide the United States and the international democratic community with an unprecedented opportunity to promote a peaceful transition to democracy in SRV.

    6. However, CPV’s intransigence increases the likelihood that there could be a collapse of the Vietnamese economy, social upheaval, or widespread suffering. The recently concluded CPV’s Eleventh Congress has underscored CPV’s unwillingness to respond positively to increasing pressures for reform either from within the party or without.

    7. The United States cooperated with its European and other allies to assist the difficult transitions from Communist regimes in Eastern Europe. Therefore, it is appropriate for those allies to cooperate with United States policy to promote a peaceful transition in Vietnam.



    It should be the policy of the United States --

    1. to seek a peaceful transition to democracy and a resumption of economic growth in Vietnam through the careful application of sanctions directed at the CPV’s government and support for the Vietnamese people;

    2. to seek the cooperation of other democratic countries in this policy;

    3. to make clear to other countries that, in determining its relations with them, the United States will take into account their willingness to cooperate in such a policy;

    4. to continue vigorously to oppose the human rights violations of the CPV regime;

    5. to maintain sanctions on the CPV regime so long as it continues to refuse to move toward democratization and greater respect for human rights;

    6. to be prepared to reduce the sanctions in carefully calibrated ways in response to positive developments in Vietnam;

    7. to encourage free and fair elections to determine Vietnam’s political future;

    8. to request the speedy termination of any military or technical assistance, subsidies, or other forms of assistance to the CPV’s government from the government of any other country; and

    9. to initiate immediately the development of a comprehensive United States policy toward Vietnam in a post-CPV era.



    a. Vietnamese Trading Partners -- The President should encourage the governments of countries that conduct trade with SRV to restrict their trade and credit relations with SRV in a manner consistent with the purposes of this title.

    b. Sanctions Against Countries Assisting SRV. --

    1. Sanctions. -- The President may apply the following sanctions to any country that provides assistance to Vietnam:

    A. The government of such country shall not be eligible for assistance under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 or assistance or sales under the Arms Export Control Act.
    B. Such country shall not be eligible, under any program, for forgiveness or reduction of debt owed to the United States Government.

    1. Definition of Assistance. -- For purposes of paragraph (1), the term "assistance to SRV"
    A. means assistance to or for the benefit of the CPV’s government that is provided by grant, concessional sale, guaranty, or insurance, or by any other means on terms more favorable than that generally available in the applicable market, whether in the form of a loan, lease, credit, or otherwise, and such term includes subsidies for exports to SRV and favorable tariff treatment of articles that are the growth, product, or manufacture of SRV;
    B. includes an exchange, reduction, or forgiveness of SRV debt owed to a foreign country in return for a grant of an equity interest in a property, investment, or operation of the CPV government (including the government of any political subdivision of SRV, or any agency or instrumentality of the CPV government) or of a Vietnamese national; and
    C. does not include --
    i. donations of food to non-governmental organizations or individuals in SRV, or
    ii. exports of medicines or medical supplies, instruments, or equipment that would be permitted.
    1. Applicability of Section. -- This section, and any sanctions imposed pursuant to this section, shall cease to apply at such time as the President makes and reports to the Congress such a determination.



    a. Provisions of Law Affected. -- The provisions of this section apply notwithstanding any other provision of law, including section 620(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, and notwithstanding the exercise of authorities, before the enactment of this Act, under section 5(b) of the Trading with the Enemy Act, the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, or the Export Administration Act of 1979.

    b. Donations of Food. -- Nothing in this or any other Act shall prohibit donations of food to nongovernmental organizations or individuals in SRV.

    c. Exports of Medicines and Medical Supplies. -- Exports of medicines or medical supplies, instruments, or equipment to SRV shall not be restricted --

    1. except to the extent such restrictions would be permitted under section 5(m) of the Export Administration Act of 1979 or section 203(b)(2) of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act;
    2. except in a case which there is a reasonable likelihood that the item to be exported will be used for purposes of torture or other human rights abuses;
    3. except in a case in which there is a reasonable likelihood that the item to be exported will be re-exported; and
    4. except in a case in which the item to be exported could be used in the production of any biotechnological product.

    a. Requirements for Certain Exports. --

    1. Onsite Verifications. -- (A) Subject to subparagraph (B), an export may be made under subsection (c) only if the President determines that the United States Government is able to verify, by onsite inspections and other appropriate means, that the exported item is to be used for the purposes for which it was intended and only for the use and benefit of the Vietnamese people.

    A. Subparagraph (A) does not apply to donations of non-governmental organizations in SRV of medicines for humanitarian purposes.

    1. LICENSES. -- Exports permitted under subsection (c) shall be made pursuant to specific licenses issued by the United States Government.


    1. Telecommunications Services. -- Telecommunications services between the United States and SRV shall be permitted.

    2. Telecommunications Facilities. -- Telecommunications facilities are authorized in such quantity and of such quality as may be necessary to provide efficient and adequate telecommunications services between the United States and SRV.

    3. Licensing of Payments to SRV. --

    A. The President may provide for the issuance of licenses for the full or partial payment to SRV of amounts due SRV as a result of the provision of telecommunications services authorized by this subsection, in a manner that is consistent with the public interest and the purposes of this title, except that this paragraph shall not require any withdrawal from any account blocked pursuant to regulations issued under section 5(b) of the Trading with the Enemy Act.

    B. If only partial payments are made to SRV under subparagraph (A), the amounts withheld from SRV shall be deposited in an account in a banking institution in the United States. Such account shall be blocked in the same manner as any other account containing funds in which SRV has any interest, pursuant to regulations issued under section 5(b) of the Trading with the Enemy Act.

    1. Authority of Federal Communications Commission. -- Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to supersede the authority of the Federal Communications Commission.

    2. Prohibition on Investment in Domestic Telecommunications Services. -- Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to authorize the investment by any United States person in the domestic telecommunications network within SRV. For purposes of this paragraph, an "investment" in the domestic telecommunications network within SRV includes the contribution (including by donation) of funds or anything of value to or for, and the making of loans to or for, such network.

    3. Reports to Congress. -- The President shall submit to the Congress on a semiannual basis a report detailing payments to SRV by any United States person as a result of the provision of telecommunications services authorized by this subsection.

    a. DIRECT MAIL DELIVERY TO SRV. -- The United States Postal Service shall take such actions as are necessary to provide direct mail service to and from SRV, including, in the absence of common carrier service between the two countries, the use of charter service providers.

    b. ASSISTANCE TO SUPPORT DEMOCRACY IN VIETNAM. -- The United States Government may provide assistance, through appropriate nongovernmental organizations, for the support of individuals and organizations to promote nonviolent democratic change in SRV.



    a. Prohibition on Certain Transactions Between Certain United States Firms and SRV. --

    1. Prohibition. -- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no license may be issued for any transaction described in section 515.559 of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on July 1, 1989.
    2. Applicability to Existing Contracts._Paragraph (1) shall not affect any contract entered into before the date of the enactment of this Act.

    b. Prohibition on Vessels. --
    1. Vessels Engaging in Trade. -- Beginning on the 61st day after the date of the enactment of this Act, a vessel which enters a port or place in SRV to engage in the trade of goods or services may not, within 180 days after departure from such port or place in SRV, load or unload any freight at any place in the United States, except pursuant to a license issued by the Secretary of the Treasury.
    2. Vessels Carrying Goods or Passengers to or from SRV. -- Except as specifically authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury, a vessel carrying goods or passengers to or from SRV or carrying goods in which SRV or a Vietnamese national has any interest may not enter a United States port.
    3. Inapplicability of Ship Stores General License. -- No commodities which may be exported under a general license described in section 771.9 of title 15, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on May 1, 1992, may be exported under a general license to any vessel carrying goods or passengers to or from SRV or carrying goods in which SRV or a Vietnamese national has an interest.
    4. Definitions. -- As used in this subsection --
    A. the term "vessel" includes every description of water craft or other contrivance used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation in water, but does not include aircraft;
    B. the term "United States" includes the territories and possessions of the United States and the customs waters of the United States (as defined in section 410 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1401)); and
    C. the term "Vietnamese National" means a national of Vietnam, as the term national is defined in section 515.302 of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations, as of August 1, 1992.

    c. Restrictions on Remittances and Gifts to Vietnam. -- The President shall establish strict limits and high taxes on remittances and gifts to SRV by United States persons.

    d. Clarification of Applicability of Sanctions. -- The prohibitions contained in subsections (a), (b), and (c) shall not apply with respect to any activity otherwise permitted by any activity which may be regulated or prohibited under section 5(b)(4) of the Trading with the Enemy Act (50 U.S.C. App. 5(b)(4)).

    e. Suspension of the US-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement that went into force on December 10, 2001.

    f. Withdrawal of the United States support for SRV to continue to be a member of the World Trade Organization.

    g. Suspension of all World Bank loans to SRV. Disbursed funds must be repaid without delay. No grace period, lowered interest rate, or loan forgiveness, shall be granted.



    Food, medicine, and medical supplies for humanitarian purposes should be made available for SRV under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 if the President determines and certifies to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate that the government in power in SRV --

    1. has made a public commitment to hold free and fair elections for a new government within six months and is proceeding to implement that decision;
    2. has made a public commitment to respect, and is respecting, internationally recognized human rights and basic democratic freedoms; and
    3. is not providing weapons or funds to any group, in any other country, that seeks the violent overthrow of the government of that country.

    a. Waiver of Restrictions. -- The President may waive the requirements of section “Sanctions” above if the President determines and reports to the Congress that the CPV government--
    1. has held free and fair elections conducted under internationally recognized observers;
    2. has permitted opposition parties ample time to organize and campaign for such elections, and has permitted full access to the media to all candidates in the elections;
    3. is showing respect for the basic civil liberties and human rights of the citizens of Vietnam;
    4. is moving toward establishing a free market economic system; and
    5. has committed itself to constitutional change that would ensure regular free and fair elections that meet the requirements of paragraph (2).

    b. Policies. -- If the President makes a determination under subsection (a), the President shall take the following actions with respect to a Vietnamese Government elected pursuant to elections described in subsection (a):
    1. To encourage the admission or reentry of such government to international organizations and international financial institutions.
    2. To provide emergency relief during Vietnam’s transition to a viable economic system.
    3. To take steps to end the United States trade embargo of Vietnam.



    Except as provided in section “Sanctions”, nothing in this title affects the provisions of section 620(a)(2) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.


    a. Enforcement Authority. -- The authority to enforce this title shall be carried out by the Secretary of the Treasury. The Secretary of the Treasury shall exercise the authorities of the Trading With the Enemy Act in enforcing this title.

    b. Authorization of Appropriations. -- There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of the Treasury such sums as may be necessary to carry out this title.

    c. Penalties Under the Trading With the Enemy Act. -- Section 16 of the Trading with the Enemy Act (50 U.S.C. App. 16) is amended --
    1. by striking "That whoever" and inserting "(a) Whoever"; and
    2. by adding at the end the following:
    "(b)(1) The Secretary of the Treasury may impose a civil penalty of not more than $50,000 on any person who violates any license, order, rule, or regulation issued under this Act.
    "(2) Any property, funds, securities, papers, or other articles or documents, or any vessel, together with its tackle, apparel, furniture, and equipment, that is the subject of a violation under paragraph (1) shall, at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, be forfeited to the United States Government.
    "(3) The penalties provided under this subsection may not be imposed for --
    "(A) news gathering, research, or the export or import of, or transmission of, information or informational materials; or
    "(B) clearly defined educational or religious activities, or activities of recognized human rights organizations, that are reasonably limited in frequency, duration, and number of participants.
    "(4) The penalties provided under this subsection may be imposed only on the record after opportunity for an agency hearing in accordance with sections 554 through 557 of title 5, United States Code, with the right to prehearing discovery.
    "(5) Judicial review of any penalty imposed under this subsection may be had to the extent provided in section 702 of title 5, United States Code."

    a. Applicability of Penalties. -- The penalties set forth in section 16 of the Trading With the Enemy Act shall apply to violations of this title to the same extent as such penalties apply to violations under that Act.

    b. Office of Foreign Assets Control. -- The Department of the Treasury shall establish and maintain a branch of the Office of Foreign Assets Control in Orange County, California, in order to strengthen the enforcement of this title.


    As used in this title, the term "United States person" means any United States citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence in the United States, and any corporation, partnership, or other organization organized under the laws of the United States.


    This title shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act.
    [end of document]


    [1] Viết theo
    Last edited by Dr_Tran; 19-02-2012 at 11:13 PM.

  4. #4
    Phạm Thái
    Toàn là cắt dán cộng thêm xào nấu rồi nhận là của ḿnh :
    Đọc bài link trê th́ các bác sẽ thấy bài đó dành cho .... Cuba :D
    Nay sửa lại thành ra VN cho gọn .

    Làm việc "nhớn " mà chỉ toàn mượn đồ cũ của người khác xài lại th́ ra thể thống chi ?

    Việc "quốc gia đại sự " c̣n như vậy , việc khác th́ sao ?

    Chẳng tài , chẳng đức , bỏ chút công sức cũng không (toàn là đi mượn đỡ xài ké ), lại hay chửi bới mà lại cứ đ̣i làm "lănh tụ " .

  5. #5
    Tran là con cháu HCM nên có máu copy rồi nhận ḿnh là tác giả.

  6. #6
    Member Dr_Tran's Avatar
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    Vài điều mới:

    c. Restrictions on Remittances and Gifts to Vietnam. -- The President shall establish strict limits and high taxes on remittances and gifts to SRV by United States persons.

    e. Suspension of the US-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement that went into force on December 10, 2001.

    f. Withdrawal of the United States support for SRV to continue to be a member of the World Trade Organization.

    g. Suspension of all World Bank loans to SRV. Disbursed funds must be repaid without delay. No grace period, lowered interest rate, or loan forgiveness, shall be granted.

  7. #7
    Member Dr_Tran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Tran View Post
    Tôi viết phần trên đây rất rơ ràng.

  8. #8
    Member Lehuy's Avatar
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    Th́ đă sao 2 bác Phạm Thái và Chicchoe? Hai bác là biểu trưng cho thành phần thứ 3 trong mọi phong trào ( Tây nó gọi là thành phần “oui mais”), khoái những chuyện nhỏ nhặt, không bao giờ nh́n được đại cục.

  9. #9
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    Tôi nghĩ Tr muốn PROPOSED thí cứ PROPOSED ..

    Chớ hiện thời th́ Đầu tư Mỹ vẩn thấy chổ Vn nhân công rẽ hơn nhân công Mễ tụi nó dể ǵ bỏ VN ..Rút đầu tư về Mể rồi cho cấm vận ..

    Cái mà hiện tại theo tâm lư Mỹ rất sợ là bất cứ ai có "plan on attacking America." ... đó là ưu tiên một.. Ai có khả năng t́m ra bằng chứng tụi VC cấu kết với Khủng bố Trung Đông hay Iran ǵ đó ,hay tụi Đai sứ quán /lảnh sự quán VC có hoạt động " any plan on attacking America" th́ họa may tụi Mỹ mới cho BQVC vô lại list "nên coi chừng " hay trục "Axis of Evil" ..mà hễ có danh dự vào trục này rố thi khỏi cần xúi tụi US cấm vận tụi nó cũng tự nguyên cấm vận mà ....

    - C̣n nếu ai có bằng chứng BQVC gỡi quân sư qua dạy đời tụi lính Iran kiểu đánh "cho Mỹ cút " th́ càng tốt ,gởi cho tụi Quốc pḥng Mỹ xem ..;)

    - C̣n tên nào thân cộng ngu ngu đi sớ rớ "du lịch " gần Ngũ giác Đài hay trước cổng hàng rào White House ǵ đó th́ ḿnh chụp h́nh rồi gỡi cho tụi Homeland security quyết định qué sera sera ,nếu vướn vào NDAA act th́ xem như ḿnh giúp tên thân cộng này về Vn ở luôn (ai kiu mở miệng ra khoái BQVC làm chi, th́ làm phước "give a hand", vậy đó :D)

    Như tôi đă nói post đầu ,BQVC đang có chính sách o bế QT (cứ nh́n cường độ dũng xà mâu đi ngoại giao tứ phương năm 2011 th́ chóng mặt luôn ) th́ chuyện ḿnh PROPOSED QT cấm vận VC khg đúng thời điễm nữa .

  10. #10
    Member Dr_Tran's Avatar
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    Không nên dựa vào CP Mỹ trong việc tranh đấu cho Dân chủ VN

    Quote Originally Posted by Viet xưa View Post
    Tôi nghĩ Tr muốn PROPOSED thí cứ PROPOSED ..

    Chớ hiện thời th́ Đầu tư Mỹ vẩn thấy chổ Vn nhân công rẽ hơn nhân công Mễ tụi nó dể ǵ bỏ VN ..Rút đầu tư về Mể rồi cho cấm vận ..
    Tôi làm sao mà không biết các việc kêu gọi Mỹ hành động đều là VÔ ÍCH về phía Mỹ, chỉ là có thể có lợi ích ở chỗ (1) Đoàn kết VK, (2) chứng tỏ cho VK biết rằng họ không nên dựa vào CP Mỹ trong việc tranh đấu cho Dân chủ VN.

    Dân VK mỗi người đều nên coi chương tŕnh này để hiểu chuyện đời hơn. Bảo đảm lợi ích hơn coi 1000 phim Tàu, Hàn quốc:

    Bài viết:;contentBody


    "...Abramoff: I spent over a million dollars a year on tickets to sporting events and concerts and what not at all the venues.

    Stahl: A million dollars?

    Abramoff: Ya. Ya.

    Stahl: For the best seats?

    Abramoff: The best seats. I had two people on my staff whose virtual full-time job was booking tickets. We were Ticketmaster for these guys [Thượng nghị sĩ, Dân biểu, phụ tá Tổng thống]..."

    Vô Capital Hill th́ chỉ nói "Có tiền không, bao nhiêu?"

    Không loại trừ cả việc CP VC đă đút lót thành công nhiều Thượng Nghị sĩ, Dân biểu Mỹ từng đi thăm VN.
    Last edited by Dr_Tran; 20-02-2012 at 06:56 AM.

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